Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday School

Hey Team,

As the new year approaches,

Thank You, Dr. Gardner

Words cannot describe my gratitude for all that Dr. Gardner has done for us this past year. His leadership, preaching, and gracious example of what a Christian should be have been a great blessing to FBC in 2008. As his time as interim pastor comes to a close, please be sure to express your appreciation to him for so capably guiding us through this season in the life of our church.

Welcome Bro. Rick and Stevens Family

This Sunday will mark Bro. Rick's first official Sunday as our pastor. Let's do all that we can to help him, as well as his family, feel welcome and loved as they come to minister among, with and to us in the days to come.

For Men (Only)

Mike Stewart and I have been meeting on a weekly basis for a time of Bible study and prayer and would like to invite any other men who may be interested to meet with us. We have been meeting on Wednesday mornings before work, but both of us are willing to meet whenever and wherever. If you are interested, please let Mike (mikestewart@bellsouth.net) or me know.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Press on.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks and Merry Christmas

Hey Team,
Special thanks to Mike Woolfolk  for teaching our class this past Sunday.  As expected, Mike did a great job.  Mike is one of many in our class who are very capable teachers.  Thanks, Mike, for your willingness to serve in this way.
Thanks to all of you for the very kind Christmas gift you gave me.  I love our class and it is a great privilege for me to travel this journey with you.  Thanks.
Merry Christmas
While many of us enjoy all the trappings of a cultural Christmas, we are often reminded that this time of year can be difficult for those who have lost or are away from loved ones, those who are discouraged by the condition of their life circumstances, or perhaps some other disappointment which leaves them without peace, without joy, and without hope. 
In some ways it may seem to be a cruel irony of life that many feel this way during Christmas.  On the other hand, perhaps it is part of God's providential plan to draw all men to Him.  After all, isn't that why God sent His Son to earth -- to give us a peace that passes all understanding. to bring indescribable joy even when we encounter various trials, and to provide hope for a world that otherwise has none. 
In a world that has so many problems and so much disappointment and so many questions, Jesus is the answer.  Merry Christmas!
Press on.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Prayer Requests for December 14th

Prayer Requests
  • Teresa Goodaker- at JSMC having seizures
  • Janet Sowards-recovering from mastectomy
  • Joelee Haggard-having bone problems with her knee
  • Debbie Gary-osteoporosis in her hip
  • Kaitlyn Daniels-separated her shoulder playing basketball
  • Jen Gary's niece-cancer in her uterus
  • Tommy Estes family-in the death of his son


  • Thanks from Cheri Taylor for the meals
  • Ronnie & Shawna Barnett celebrating their 21st Anniversary on Friday
  • Amy Stooksbury's dad-drove himself to the Post Office
  • Miranda Hunt-cancer is gone


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday School Christmas Party 2008

Just a reminder about our annual Sunday School Christmas Party:

Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m. to ????
Place: The Selfs, 712 Kensington Court
Attire: Whatever
What to bring: Food
Who: S.S. members, prospects, family, friends, etc.

Self Class Christmas 2007
More photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/randy.sigler/SelfChristmas2007#

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. We sincerely hope you can come.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Challenge House Workers

Mike Stewart is trying to get some guys together either this Thursday evening, Friday evening, or Saturday morning to help him do some work to help winterize one or both of the Challenge Houses.  The work may include insulating the attics, weatherproofing windows, repair work on the hot water heaters, etc.  If you are interested, or if you know someone who would be willing to help, please email Mike at mikestewart@bellsouth.net or call him at home at 886-4266.
Thanks, Mike, and thanks to any of you who can help.
Press on.

Fw: meals for the Taylors

Please let us know if you can provide a meal.  Of course, if some of you want to do this together, that would be great too.
Press on.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Noell Robinson <noellrobinson@hotmail.com>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 11:32:11 AM
Subject: meals for the Taylors

Andrew,  would you forward this to everyone for me please?
Mike and Cheri are still at the Liebe's house every night this week.  It would be great if we could provide a few meals for about 6 people.
You can coordinate a time with Cheri.  Her cell number is 839-0728.  The Liebe's address is 2709 Cayce Meade Drive.
Please reply all if you can take dinner one of these nights and include what you are making so that we don't feed them the same thing every night.
Thank you all.  They really appreciate it.

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Request -- Liebe/Taylor Families

Hey Team,
I'm sure that many of you have already learned of the very tragic death of Josh Liebe last night.  Josh is Cheri Taylor's brother and the son of Rich and Cathy Liebe.  Please remember these families in your prayers, that our God, the God of peace and hope, will comfort them and make His presence known to them at this most difficult time.  Although funeral arrangements are not yet complete, it is my understanding that the family is asking that, in lieu of flowers, etc, that any contributions be made to a trust fund at BB&T for Josh's two young children, Madison and Jamison.
Although Josh encountered a number of personal challenges in his relatively young life, in recent months he and his wife had become actively involved in a church and in a weekly Bible study.  A dear friend of mine who has been ministering to Josh and his family had told me in recent weeks about how much Josh and his wife were growing in their faith.
There are many things in this life that we will not understand, but one thing we know is this, that Jesus "is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no man comes to the Father" but by Him.  While there is much pain and confusion caused by his untimely death, I am convinced that Josh knows the Way.  And all who know the Way will have Life everlasting.  
Press on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Party

Hey Team,
Just a reminder about our annual Sunday School Christmas Party:
Date:  Saturday, December 13, 2008   
Time:  6:00 p.m. to ????
Place:  The Selfs, 712 Kensington Court
Attire:  Whatever
What to bring:  Food
Who:  S.S. members, prospects, family, friends, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  We sincerely hope you can come.
Press on.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thank you

Hey Team,
Special thanks to John and Beth, Kahle and Karen, and Mike and Joelette (aka Couples #1,2 and 3, respectively) for their unparalleled performances in our "Not So Newlywed Game."  It was a fun way to cap off our Song of Solomon study.  Sometimes it's good just to get together and laugh.  We did.  Thanks again to our participating couples.
Also, many of you have expressed an interest in getting the Song of Solomon study for youth.  If you would like more information, you can go to www.songofsolomon.com, and then to Bible Studies where you will find Song of Solomon for Students.  This study apparently incorporates the first four units of the adult study which involve attraction, dating, and courtship.  Please give some thought to how this might be implemented (e.g. gender specific groups, what ages/grades, etc.?) as well as who might be appropriate facilitators.  Tory is going to discuss this with Jeff and get back with us.