Hey Team,
Several things as we prepare to celebrate our nation's birthday:
1. Thanks again to Mark G., Lisa M., Tim B., and Beth P. for the testimonies they shared this past Sunday. What an awesome worship service. It takes a lot of courage to do what they did. We thank them for their willingness to be vulnerable and to share from their hearts.
2. Thanks also to those of you who shared personal things following their testimonies. These kinds of experiences allow us to get to know each other better, to understand each other better, and hopefully to encourage and love each other better. Thanks!
3. What a great blessing it was to have the Barnett family join our church. Although they have been a very real part of us for some time, "welcome" to Ronnie, Shawna, Peyton, and Bailey.
4. Don't forget that my favorite Bible teacher of all time (who also happens to be my favorite wife of all time) will begin our study of Ruth this Sunday. You won't want to miss it. Please come.
5. Finally, remember that we are having a churchwide fellowship lunch after the morning worship service this Sunday. The church will provide the meat and drinks. Please bring a vegetable, salad or dessert (you know the drill).
Press on.