Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hey Team,

I have very much appreciated, and thoroughly enjoyed, our class discussions the last several weeks as we have gone through the process of evaluating our S.S. class. I also appreciate those of you who completed surveys this past Sunday. The results are both interesting and helpful, and I look forward to going over those results as a class this Sunday.
If you did not get to complete a survey and would still like to do so, I have attached it to this email. Please try to email, fax (889-6008), or otherwise get it back to me by the end of the week so I can include it with the other results.

Men's Fraternity
Don't forget that the men's study led by Ronnie Barnett will start this Wednesday, August 26 at 5:45 p.m. (somewhere in the basement).

Disaster Relief Surveys
If you have not returned your Disaster Relief Survey, please do so this Sunday. Those who do will get a "prize."

Press on.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Prayer requests

Prayer Requests for August 23, 2009
  • Marlene's dad recovering from surgery
  • Debbie Thorn's daughter, Melissa, is on a ventilator
  • Tim Workman's dad having tests on Wednesday
  • Debbie Gary's mom in ICU
  • Breck Cayce-on waiting list for liver transplant
  • Steve Henson-having back problems
  • College students going back to school


  • Marlene's dad made it through the surgery okay
  • Cindy Harvey-bone scan came back clear
  • Mike & Joelette celebrating their 31st wedding anniversary

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prayer Request

Marlene Blakeman's father, who has a history of health problems, is scheduled to have surgery on Thursday. Please remember him, Marlene, and their family in your prayers.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Prayer Requests and Thanks

Hey Team,

**Please remember to pray for the Stooksburys as they travel to PA later this week for Amy's father's funeral.

**Please remember to pray for the Liebe family and Mike and Cheri Taylor. Tuesday is Josh's (the Liebes' son and Cheri's brother) first birthday since his tragic death.

**Thanks to the Browns, the Watsons, and Leigh Ann Stewart for answering the clarion call to serve in the nursery this past Sunday (and to all the rest of you who faithfully do so).

**Thanks to Tory Pinson for sharing during the morning worship service about his and the church's mission efforts. Well done, Tory!

**As a follow up to our discussion in S.S., as best I can tell, most of the research that helps to form the conclusions in the book, Essential Church, was done with young adults between the ages of 18 and 31, who had attended a Protestant church at least one year as teenagers (i.e. not exclusively Southern Baptist churches).

More to come.

Press on.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hey Team,

We desperately need nursery workers for this Sunday. Although we have a number of folks signed up for the last two Sundays of the month, we don't have anybody signed up for this Sunday. Please let me know if you can help.

Also, please remember Amy Stooksbury and her family. Her father died earlier this week after an extended illness.

Hope to see you Sunday as we continue our evaluation of our Sunday School class.

Press on.


Thursday, August 6, 2009


Hey Team,
Hope you are all well.
Thanks again to Eva for a great study on the book of Ruth. I know, I know, I am a little (O.K. a lot) partial to her, but I think she always does a great job. My impression is that everybody else who participated in the study felt the same way. Hopefully we will be able to get her to do it again sometime.
I am thankful for and blessed by my spouse -- and if you will stop and think about it, you are blessed by your spouse too. Maybe we need to count the many reasons why, and then tell them, thank them, and love them in their language.
We need all hands on deck starting this Sunday as we begin our S.S. class Retreat/Evaluation/Self-Study (pun intended). It is always good -- in all situations and life experiences -- to examine, reexamine, evaluate, reevaluate, etc. And that's what we are going to do starting this Sunday regarding our S.S. What and how and why and . . . can we make S.S. more meaningful, etc.
Hope to see you there!
Press on.