Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hey Team!

We are getting ready to start a new unit by Adrian Rogers entitled "What Every Christian Ought to Know." Whether it is reading, sports, Christianity or anything else, the fundamentals are. . . well . . . fundamental. As Ravi Zacharias says with regard to Christianity, "That which is fundamental is essential, and that which is essential is fundamental." I know, you really have to think about the stuff he says, but it does make a lot of sense (once you put on your thinking cap).

Remember, our class is going to provide a meal for our revival team
on September 17. As we discussed previously, we are simply going to collect money and Kim Batts and Lisa McIntosh have graciously agreed to get the food. We believe $100 should cover it. We will take up our "first of the month" offering this Sunday and hope to reach that goal. If you want to write a check, please make it payable to "Kim Batts." If 10 people write checks for $10 . . ..

Our Blogmaster (is that a word?), Randy Sigler, and I are soliciting feedback for our S.S. blog :

Do you like it? Is is something that you would regularly access? Any tweaks that you would suggest? Do you need help on how to use it? (get a discussion going by using comments, etc). If we have enough interest, we will continue with it and try to make it something that would be helpful. Please let us know.

Hope to see you Sunday!

Press on.... Andrew

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