Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Caroling - Self Class Provides Food

We will be having church-wide Christmas caroling on Wednesday, Dec. 19.

We will begin at 5 pm with Sandwiches and chips in the fellowship hall, go caroling, and then return to the fellowship hall for cookies, hot choc., coffee, and games.

Our class has been asked to help provide sandwiches for this event.
Please call the church office or email me if you would be able to provide sandwiches.

Kim Batts
School-to-Careers Director
Christian County Public School
PO Box 609
Hopkinsville, KY 42241
Ph 270-887-7008Fax 270-887-1316

It's About Every Student Every Day

Self Study - Andrew

Hey Team:

I hope the study we just completed on "The Treasure Principle" (i.e. "you can't take it with you, but you can send it on ahead") has been helpful to you. It has certainly made me think about my responsibility as a Christian to generously share the blessings God has given to me with others. To what extent am I "laying up treasures in heaven" by the way I handle my finances? Is my financial focus just on me, my family (just as problematic in my opinion), or am I also taking into consideration the poor, the weak, etc.?

Bottom line: how we handle our money and possessions in this life is not a financial matter, it is a spritual matter. I pray that when we give an account of this area of our lives that He will say, "Well done, though good and faithful servant." I'm not there yet, but I'm going to press on!

This Sunday we will begin a new unit entitled, "Seven Words To Change Your Family." Wow, what a title! I plan to be there to find out what those seven words are -- and I pray you will also.
This Sunday is also the first Sunday of the month so we will take up our class offering.

Please make plans to attend our S.S. class Christmas party at the Selfs on December 14 at 6:00 p.m. (C.E.L.E. -- "come early, leave early").

Press on....

Monday, November 26, 2007

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for 11-25-2007

Marlene Blakeman-traveling to California
Tim Blakeman-MRI on neck and shoulder
Kelly Workman's co-worker's daughter
Ann Isom-Breast Cancer
Beth Henderson-Cancer
Dixie Prim-Breast Cancer
Edwin & Tweetie White-death of son


A very Happy Thanksgiving.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


John Fitzgerald Kennedy
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.....

Psalm 100
Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands!

Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.

Know that the LORD, He is God;

It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;

We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise.

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting,
And His truth endures to all generations.

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Randy Sigler
SelfStudy Blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Hey Team!

I love the lyrics to the song, "Give Thanks":

Give thanks,
With a grateful heart;

Give thanks,
To the Holy One

Give thanks,
Because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now,

Let the weak say I am strong;

Let the poor say I am rich;

Because of what the Lord has done,

For us.
Give thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
-- Give Thanks!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for 11-18-17
Jack Ferrell-clean of cancer
The men & women serving in the military and their families
Bill Carter-Friend of the Garys-having quadruple bypass in Nashville
Mike Woolfolk's mom-Alzheimers
Mike Woolfolk's dad-87 years old being the caregiver for his wife
Ray Wilson-at home recovering
Harold Pryor- diagnosed with cancer
Everyone that will be traveling over the holiday

Baptism of Lisa McIntosh
Tyler Wolf's profession of faith
Wendy Turner's Birthday

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

See you at church.

Monday, November 12, 2007

11-11-07 Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests 11/11/07

Phylis Stevenson-Bettye Ferrell's sister-church decision

Jack Ferrell's test results

Remember the family of Ray's uncle who passed away

Jean Pardue-chemo treatments

Carol Sturdivant-Chronic back pain and inevitable surgery

Everyone involved in the process of finding a new pastor

Continue to remember Dr Travis & Sue

All of our churches worldwide and the many problems that they are facing


Tim & Marlene Blakeman's 7th anniversary

Lisa McIntosh "officially" becoming a member of our church

All of our veterans that are presently serving or have served in the past. Thank You!

Hope everyone has a great week~!


Monday, November 5, 2007

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requets 11-4-07
Ray's uncle in Nashville waiting on God to call him home.
Carl Poe-friend of the Garys-hospital in Madisonville
Jack Ferrell-CAT scan on Tuesday
Lakeview Baptist Church-recent pastor resignation
Our deacons, search comittee membes, and church body.
Dr. Travis as he prepares for his transition
Tim Burtrom-friend of the Watsons-has lukemia and undergoing chemo
Zach-friend of the Watsons-7 year old hadtumor removed from ear
Lisa Pinson's dad celebrates 95th Birthday on Wednesday
Great turnout for Trunk-or-Treat
Youth trip to Judgement House
Hope everyone has a geat week.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

RE: S.S.


I like the t-shirt idea; however, being 53 years old with a two year old my shirt will not make it to retirement ……………….

Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

From: Andrew Self []
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: S.S.

Hey Team:

Let's continue to remember to pray for and encourage Dr. Travis and Sue as they prepare for a time of transition. Isn't it great to know that they intend to continue to be apart of the FBC family?

We will not be having a special business meeting this Sunday evening as previously announced. Additional time is needed before anything is presented to the church. However, you may be interested to know what the process will be as we move forward. According to our by-laws, when the church does not have a pastor:

1. The deacon officers shall nominate a Pastor Search Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for election by the church; and

2. The deacon officers shall recommend an interim pastor and/or nominate a Pulpit Supply Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for church approval.

Please be in prayer for our deacon officers: Clay Smith - chairman; Mike Beck - Vice Chairman; and Ted Wilson - Secretary.

Don't forget our annual S.S. Christmas Party at the Selfs on December 14. Our theme for this year ("Come Early; Leave Early") has been so well accepted by everyone that I thought we might make up some T-shirts for the event. Since T-shirts have a shelf life of anywhere from 12 - 20 years, we shouldn't have to make any new T-shirts until most of us retire. What do you think?

Press on.


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Hey Team:

Let's continue to remember to pray for and encourage Dr. Travis and Sue as they prepare for a time of transition. Isn't it great to know that they intend to continue to be apart of the FBC family?

We will not be having a special business meeting this Sunday evening as previously announced. Additional time is needed before anything is presented to the church. However, you may be interested to know what the process will be as we move forward. According to our by-laws, when the church does not have a pastor:

1. The deacon officers shall nominate a Pastor Search Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for election by the church; and

2. The deacon officers shall recommend an interim pastor and/or nominate a Pulpit Supply Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for church approval.

Please be in prayer for our deacon officers: Clay Smith - chairman; Mike Beck - Vice Chairman; and Ted Wilson - Secretary.

Don't forget our annual S.S. Christmas Party at the Selfs on December 14. Our theme for this year ("Come Early; Leave Early") has been so well accepted by everyone that I thought we might make up some T-shirts for the event. Since T-shirts have a shelf life of anywhere from 12 - 20 years, we shouldn't have to make any new T-shirts until most of us retire. What do you think?

Press on.


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