Thursday, November 1, 2007

RE: S.S.


I like the t-shirt idea; however, being 53 years old with a two year old my shirt will not make it to retirement ……………….

Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

From: Andrew Self []
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 2:51 PM
Subject: S.S.

Hey Team:

Let's continue to remember to pray for and encourage Dr. Travis and Sue as they prepare for a time of transition. Isn't it great to know that they intend to continue to be apart of the FBC family?

We will not be having a special business meeting this Sunday evening as previously announced. Additional time is needed before anything is presented to the church. However, you may be interested to know what the process will be as we move forward. According to our by-laws, when the church does not have a pastor:

1. The deacon officers shall nominate a Pastor Search Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for election by the church; and

2. The deacon officers shall recommend an interim pastor and/or nominate a Pulpit Supply Committee, with the approval of the active deacon body, for church approval.

Please be in prayer for our deacon officers: Clay Smith - chairman; Mike Beck - Vice Chairman; and Ted Wilson - Secretary.

Don't forget our annual S.S. Christmas Party at the Selfs on December 14. Our theme for this year ("Come Early; Leave Early") has been so well accepted by everyone that I thought we might make up some T-shirts for the event. Since T-shirts have a shelf life of anywhere from 12 - 20 years, we shouldn't have to make any new T-shirts until most of us retire. What do you think?

Press on.


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