Hey Team:
Sunday School -- Special thanks to Eva for doing such a great job teaching our lesson this past Sunday. I know I am very biased, but I think she is a wonderful Bible teacher and a gifted storyteller. Many of you have commented how much you enjoyed it. I think it was great for at least two reasons: (1) Eva has spent time studying the life of Abigail and is able to communicate the truths of that story in an entertaining, effective manner, and (2) It was something different from the usual routine.
Doing something different from time to time stimulates interest, increases learning, and makes what we are doing more enjoyable. As we think not only about Sunday School, but also about how we "do church" in general, let's keep this in mind.
Eggstravaganza -- Don't foget the big Easter Egg Hunt (i.e. "Eggs-travaganza") that is set for Saturday, March 22 at the church for children of all ages. We still need our class to provide more plastic eggs, with "stuff" (my suggestion would be something chocolate) to go in them.
Town Hall Forum -- Our Town Hall forum was well attended and there was much discussion about a number of issues facing our church. This interim period is a very critical time for our church as we look to the future. The decisions we make in the next several months will have a lasting impact on our church for many years to come. Let's continue to pray for wisdom, guidance and unity.
Hope to see you Sunday if not before!
Press on.

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