Hey Team:
It's great to be back from a terrific week at camp. Thanks again to Andy for teaching our class in my absence. A few things for your consideration:
1. Centrikid/Centifuge Reports
Both our children and our youth will give reports on their recent camp experiences this Sunday evening, July 6, at 6:00 p.m. It should be fun. Hope you can attend.
2. Women's Bible Study -- Led by Eva
Beginning tonight, July 2 at 6:00 p.m., Eva will be leading a Bible study on the book of Jonah. All women are invited to attend. The study will continue each Wednesday night throughout the month of July. I think Eva is a great Bible study teacher, and if you don't believe me you should come and see for yourself.
3. Marriage
For some time, many of you have expressed a desire to have some sort of marriage retreat, conference, seminar, etc. Unfortunately, most in our class were unable to attend the Gary Smalley simulcast at our church back in April. So, I thought our class might do our own thing. My inclination is to get Tommy Nelson's "Song of Solomon" study which some of you are familiar with. This is great stuff and would combine weekly DVD presentations and discussion. I believe it will last approximately 11 weeks. The cost would be a couple hundred dollars which I suggest our class pay and then donate the series to the church when we are done. Let's talk about it in more detail this Sunday and then we'll decide. One catch: we would have to start the DVD at 9:30 a.m. sharp to get it all in each week.
4. The Wombles
The Wombles are here from Niger. They will be staying in our missionary residence during the months of July and August. Let's make them feel welcome.
I look forward to seeing all of you soon.
Press on.