Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey Team:
Hope you are all well.  Several things:
Song of Solomon  -- We will start our Song of Solomon study regarding relationships (including marriage) the first Sunday of September.  Please make plans to participate in this 11-week study that will include a DVD presentation and discussion each week.  Also, we still need approximately $175 to cover the cost of the study.  We will be taking up our usual "first Sunday of the month" offering this week and perhaps we could all kick in a $5 or a $10 instead of a $1 or a $5.
School  --  The beginning of school is right around the corner, which means different things for different people.  For some, it is pure agony, and for others it is a chance to see friends again.  For some, it means back to work, and for others it means they get a break. For all, it is an opportunity for us to pray for our children, our teachers and our schools.
The Buckingham Family  --  Please continue to pray for the Buckinghams as they make a major transition in their lives. 
Please also pray for Dr. Travis as he fills the pulpit this Sunday.
Press on.

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