From: Sam Brown <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:33:27 AM
Subject: FW: Julia
Hey Andrew,
A few weeks back I asked the class for prayers for the four year old daughter of a guy we do some work with at JSMC. Below is an email from him to me yesterday with an update on her. I know no one knows this family but me, but I ask for continued prayers for this precious four year old girl.
Thanks, Sam
Samuel L. Brown
Vice President - Financial Services
Jennie Stuart Medical Center
From: Tim Stampp []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:27 PM
To: Sam Brown
Subject: RE: Julia
Hi Sam,
Words can't describe how much a note like this means to us. Results of her last scans (PET, CT and Ultrasound) showed that the chemotherapy is working on the lesions. We also avoided having to give her a blood transfusion last week when her blood counts miraculously rebounded, baffling the doctors who could not figure out how her blood counts went back up literally over night. The doctors believe she will need to be on chemo for at least one year. She still has lesions in her lungs, bones and pituitary gland but again, the chemo appears to be affecting them and we are hoping that they will be completely gone after a few more months. The challenge is that there are no blood tests that are able to detect "active disease" and that absence of lesions that can be seen on PET, CT, etc does not mean she has been cured. They are worried that if they stop chemo after the lesions are gone (which we pray will happen) she will get new lesions that can go anywhere and we absolutely have to stop this from happening because they could show up in some bad spots (liver, kidney, brain). So, they think if they continue chemo for at least a year there is a greater chance that no new lesions will form. We are just taking it one day at a time.
Her spirits are great despite all the hospital visits, scans, pricking and poking, and having her hair starting to fall out. She is so amazing. Thanks so much for the prayers, please keep them coming! Talk with you soon. Tim
Tim Stampp
Medical Imaging Specialists
office: (800) 510-0680 | mobile: (504) 296-7220 |
From: Sam Brown []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:29 PM
To: Tim Stampp
Subject: Julia
I hope you and your family are doing well. How is Julia doing? We include her in Alex's prayers every night – we never miss a night – asking God to please make her better. All he knows is that she is a little girl that is sick so I hope he can meet her in very good health someday.
Talk to you soon.
Samuel L. Brown
Vice President - Financial Services
Jennie Stuart Medical Center
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