----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Meeks, Roscella" <Roscella.Meeks@am.dodea.edu>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>; Angela Bracey <angelafbchop@bellsouth.net>; Len Hale <lhale@hwea-ky.com>; Karen.kendady@ky.gov
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:48:06 AM
Subject: Betty Ferrell Dinners
From: "Meeks, Roscella" <Roscella.Meeks@am.dodea.edu>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>; Angela Bracey <angelafbchop@bellsouth.net>; Len Hale <lhale@hwea-ky.com>; Karen.kendady@ky.gov
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:48:06 AM
Subject: Betty Ferrell Dinners
<<Betty Ferrell Dinners.doc>>
Dear Friends,
Betty Ferrell has recently had knee surgery. I spoke with her Wednesday night about providing meals to the family. I am coordinating the list (see the attachment). Please email this to your Sunday School classes and those interested can contact me and I will finalize the list. She is planning on coming home Sunday, but doesn't want a meal until Monday. Also, if you would rather get a gift card to a restaurant that would be okay also. Thanks in advance.
Roscella Meeks
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