Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey Team,

Something happened at church this past Sunday that does not happen very often -- but it could: a grown man, with tears in his eyes, publicly professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. Welcome, Troy Moore, to the family of God and to the fellowship of First Baptist Church.

I appreciate Bro. Rick's challenge to us to pray for Troy this week. Indeed, Troy is going through some difficult times in his life right now. As I have tried to do that, it has occurred to me just how seldom we have an experience like this in our church family. But it doesn't have to be that way. Nor should it.

Certainly, we rejoice when a family or an individual moves their or his/her letter to join our church. We need to be and want to be a place where everyone feels loved and welcome; where everyone can join with us in Exalting Jesus as Lord; Equipping our members to serve; and Evangelizing Christian Co. and beyond.

But we also need to be a place and a people who are intentional about bringing people to a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. In Baptist parlance, we need to reach the lost.

So, how did it happen in Troy's case? First, a neighbor (who also recently joined our church) invited him to come to church. When he came, Troy encountered a pastor who genuinely cared about him and who shared messages that were practical and relevant. Others made him feel welcome and shared the love of God though a cup of coffee, or a handshake, or a kind word. Several that I know of, including the one who invited him initially, befriended him, took a genuine interest in him, and began praying for him

Ultimately, Troy was saved by God's grace, through his faith. But God also used a number of people to draw Troy to Him -- perhaps you were one of them.

So, why doesn't this happen more often? I bet we all have a lost neighbor, co-worker, or friend that we could invite to church. When that happens, whether they are invited by us or someone else, we need to be ready to greet, welcome, accept and love them.

Let's continue to pray for Troy. And let's also pray that God will show us who we should invite, and that He will give us the courage to do so.

Press on.


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