Hey Team,
A few things to think about as we are now knee deep in what will be a very short summer for most:
1. VBS wraps up tomorrow (Friday). Thanks to Shirley, Pat S. all those who worked, and especially to the children who came for making this a wonderful week. As usual, I suspect there are some children who are thinking about their relationship with God a little differently after this week. Let's pray for them, and let's thank God for those who have taught them, played with them, fed them, etc.
2. We are still having Sunday School every week and we would love for you to come when you can, including this Sunday as Mike Beck continues to lead our study on "The Baptist Faith and Message." I know some of you are going to be out of town on vacation this weekend and we hope you have a good, safe, relaxing time. For everybody else, we would love to see you Sunday.
3. Finally,
church giving typically takes a hit during the summer months, but the church expenses remain basically unchanged.
Even though we may miss some time from church this summer, let's do our best to remain faithful in our giving.

Even though we may miss some time from church this summer, let's do our best to remain faithful in our giving.

Press on....

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