Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SelfStudy Blog Ending Soon - End of Web Ministry

Hello all!

Since September 2007, I have had the privilege to setup and run our Sunday School Blog:

I will be leaving soon, and be with Penny at Elizabethtown. It appears we will be shutting down the SelfStudy Blog.

I hope you have enjoyed this web ministry, and perhaps someone in the future will take this on again and make it bigger and better~!

God Bless!
Randy Sigler

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update re: Jason and Heidi Arnold

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Heidi Arnold <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 8:09:27 PM
Subject: Re:

Heidi and I are doing well. I am back teaching in the classroom, which I enjoy. I am getting used to walking a little slower. Climbing hills and stairs is still difficult but manageable. My phantom pain has completely subsided, though I do get a few uncomfortable sensations every day or two.

We are still thankful that Jason's injuries weren't any more severe- he survived this for a reason. We are also thankful that the insurance company did pay for the computerized knee (C-leg).

Thank you and the Sunday school class for the prayers. We are so blessed to have a caring church family.

Feel free to share parts of this email that you think are appropriate to be passed along.
Jason and Heidi

Fw: Tommy Kenady's dad

Please pray for Tommy's father and family.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 2:10:34 PM
Subject: Tommy Kenady's dad

Tommy's dad had a stroke this morning. They are taking him to Nashville.
They said it is the worse kind of stroke you can have. It is like an
aneurysm. Please pray for Larry and all the family.


Monday, February 1, 2010


Hey Team,
Hope all of you are safe and well.
Good news for those of you who really wanted Eva to teach our S.S. class last Sunday (O.K., all of you). She's going to teach this Sunday. For those of you who read your quarterly, she will be teaching the January 31 lesson. We may skip another one later, but this one on Daniel 2 is important.
Thanks, Eva, and thanks to all of you.
Press on.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

No Sunday School on 1/31

Hey Team,
Due to icy conditions on many roads, we will not have Sunday School on Sunday, January 31. The morning worship service will be at the regular time.
Press on.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re: S.S.

Andrew (all)
It is 8:00 PM, and we have made a decision to get our UHaul trailer loaded and head to ETown to avoid the storm. We were going to do this tomorrow night in the snow. Ft Campbell schools hardly ever close, so this is another blessing that they have already canceled school for Friday.
Penny got her official word to report to Ft Knox school, first day Monday. She will be moving ahead of me, as I will be working in Hopkinsville possibly a few more weeks.
Please keep us in your prayers. I want to give a praise to God, as many things have transpired to make this all happen.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Andrew Self <> wrote:
Hey Team,
As we await the snow (???), here are a few thoughts regarding our study of Daniel:
1. When faced with a difficult situation, Daniel "made up his mind" before he was face to face with the temptation. What or who do we need to make up our minds about beforehand? Sometimes it is very difficult to change our course when we are already in the middle of the storm.
2. Daniel's character was demonstrated not only in what he did (or did not do), but also in the way he handled things. He developed a thoughtful approach and was respectful to all involved.
3. Our God is a sovereign God. He was, is and will always be in control. Nothing happens unless He causes it (His directive will) or allows it (His permissive will). Whether good or bad, the things He causes or allows to happen in our lives are designed to draw us closer to Him (Romans 8:28).
If not snowed out, I will be at Crofton Christian Church on Sunday and Eva will be leading our class. Be safe. Hope to see you soon.
Press on.


Hey Team,
As we await the snow (???), here are a few thoughts regarding our study of Daniel:
1. When faced with a difficult situation, Daniel "made up his mind" before he was face to face with the temptation. What or who do we need to make up our minds about beforehand? Sometimes it is very difficult to change our course when we are already in the middle of the storm.
2. Daniel's character was demonstrated not only in what he did (or did not do), but also in the way he handled things. He developed a thoughtful approach and was respectful to all involved.
3. Our God is a sovereign God. He was, is and will always be in control. Nothing happens unless He causes it (His directive will) or allows it (His permissive will). Whether good or bad, the things He causes or allows to happen in our lives are designed to draw us closer to Him (Romans 8:28).
If not snowed out, I will be at Crofton Christian Church on Sunday and Eva will be leading our class. Be safe. Hope to see you soon.
Press on.

SelfStudy: Prayer Requests for January 24, 2010

Prayer Requests for January 24, 2010
  • 3 Unspoken requests for health concerns
  • Valerie Stevens is having her wisdom teeth cut out on Friday
  • Continue to remember Karen Morris as she recovers from her foot surgery
  • All the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti
  • The people affected by the mudslides in California


  • Bailey Barnett rededicated her life to Christ this weekend
  • All of the decisions that were made during D-Now
  • The Woolfolk grand baby
  • The McIntyre grand baby

Remember that not only does what we do matter, but also how we do it matters as well.

Hope everyone has a great week.

Updates from Bro. Rick

We will be recognizing Dr. Travis in the morning worship service this Sunday. We recently voted to name Dr. Travis as "Pastor Emeritus."

This recognition will be conferred with his family present. Please don't miss the opportunity to show our appreciation to him.

We need all youth questionnaires turned in by Sunday. A copy is attached to this email.

We need to turn in a final number for Centrikid , which will be our children's camp trip, by Friday. The dates are June 13-17. The approximate cost is 230$. The ages are grades 3-5.
Please call the office if you want to be in the reservation total.

Angela Bracey

First Baptist Church


Friday, January 22, 2010


Hey Team,

I hope you have enjoyed the last couple of weeks in S.S. as much as I have. Thanks especially to Rim for helping to stimulate thought and discussion. It is not critical, in my opinion, that we agree about absolutely everything. What is important is that we thoughtfully consider what we believe, and why we believe what we believe. If we leave S.S. thinking about those kinds of things, we have moved forward.

This Sunday we will begin our study of the book of Daniel. It will be great.

Finally, please pray for all those involved in our D-Now weekend: students, Max, adult leaders, meal and transportation providers, college students who will be leading, and, of course, our host homes. Perhaps above all, please pray for Derrick and Amy Watson -- they are the host home for the middle school boys! Amen.

Press on.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Congratulations (new grandparents)

Congratulations to Mike and Joelette Woolfolk and to Gary and Donna McIntyre on the birth of grandchildren.

Mike and Joelette's son, Ryan, and his wife, Jackie, have a new son, Owen Grant (Mike and Joelette's first grandchild).

Gary and Donna's son, Ryan, and his wife, Misty, have a new daughter, Ella Jane (Gary and Donna's second grandchild).

Congratulations to everyone, especially the grandparents since they are in our class. As best we can tell, the grandparents are resting well and are very, very proud.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fw: Prayer Request

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lisa Dossett <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Wed, January 13, 2010 3:09:48 PM
Subject: Prayer Request

Andrew--Please send this pr;ayer request to our class.

My cousin, Ellen Rives, passed away this afternoon at Christian Health Center following a long battle with cancer. Our family has been expecting this, but I don't think you can ever be ready to let go. She passed away peacefully in her sleep, which is what we were all praying for. Please remember her parents, Bill and Betty Rives, and brothers Gary Rives and his family and Brook Rives and his family. Thank you for your prayers! Lisa

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Christian Perspective"

Hey Team,

As a follow up to our discussion in S.S. yesterday (which we will resume next Sunday), here are a couple of simple thoughts to keep in mind as we strive to have a "Christian perspective":

1. "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind consider others as more important than yourselves. (Phil. 2:3)

2. Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. (Phil. 4:8).

Press on.


Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hey Team,

Hope all of you are well. I realize some (e.g. teachers, students) like the snow more than others, so I hope wherever you are that you are warm and safe.

Thanks, Ronnie
Thanks again to Ronnie Barnett for teaching our class last Sunday in my absence. A number of you have already told me what a great job he did. I hope many of our men will be able to participate in the Men's Fraternity study that resumes on January 20 at 5:45 p.m.

This Sunday
I am excited about what we are going to do this Sunday. Basically, we are going to have a time where we can ask questions about "living the Christian life." For example, questions that may begin with . . .

"How do I deal with . . ."
"What should I do when . . ."
"What does the Bible say about . . ."

As best we can, we will try to address these questions either in class this Sunday, or perhaps as a separate "lesson" some time in the future. This should be fun, and hopefully very relevant. It will work best if as many of us as possible come prepared to ask questions.


Enough said......

Press on.....