Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re: S.S.

Andrew (all)
It is 8:00 PM, and we have made a decision to get our UHaul trailer loaded and head to ETown to avoid the storm. We were going to do this tomorrow night in the snow. Ft Campbell schools hardly ever close, so this is another blessing that they have already canceled school for Friday.
Penny got her official word to report to Ft Knox school, first day Monday. She will be moving ahead of me, as I will be working in Hopkinsville possibly a few more weeks.
Please keep us in your prayers. I want to give a praise to God, as many things have transpired to make this all happen.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Andrew Self <> wrote:
Hey Team,
As we await the snow (???), here are a few thoughts regarding our study of Daniel:
1. When faced with a difficult situation, Daniel "made up his mind" before he was face to face with the temptation. What or who do we need to make up our minds about beforehand? Sometimes it is very difficult to change our course when we are already in the middle of the storm.
2. Daniel's character was demonstrated not only in what he did (or did not do), but also in the way he handled things. He developed a thoughtful approach and was respectful to all involved.
3. Our God is a sovereign God. He was, is and will always be in control. Nothing happens unless He causes it (His directive will) or allows it (His permissive will). Whether good or bad, the things He causes or allows to happen in our lives are designed to draw us closer to Him (Romans 8:28).
If not snowed out, I will be at Crofton Christian Church on Sunday and Eva will be leading our class. Be safe. Hope to see you soon.
Press on.

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