Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey Team:

Minister of Evangelism -- Mike McKinney will be with us starting this Sunday as our part-time "Minister of Evangelism." Many of you know Mike and know that the Lord has gifted him with the ability to share the gospel with others. Please provide him with names of people you know who do not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Please also look for Mike, welcome him, encourage him and pray for him as he uses his gifts for our Lord.

Fellowship -- Don't forget our Sunday School class fellowship this Friday at the CLC at 6:00 p.m. Please bring enough food and/or drinks for your family and maybe a little extra. This is also a great opportunity to bring friends and prospects. If anyone would like to invite Tim and Kim Downs, their phone number is 886-8481.

"A Heart Like His" -- We will begin a new unit this Sunday on the life of David, taken from a study by Beth Moore who has this to say about David, "He will delight us and he will disappoint us. He will make us want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others." I hope you will come and join us for this study.

Press on . . . -- Special thanks to Leigh Ann Stewart for putting my favorite phrase on the wall of our Sunday School room. Leigh Ann has also suggested that we put "Phil. 3:12" up there too as a reminder of the passage from which this expression comes. I think that is a great idea and I hope you will join me in expressing our thanks to Leigh Ann.

Press on.


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FBC Sermons Online!

Hello Team!

You may know that we (Media Team), are working on putting audio/video of our church ministries on the web. I did this at my old church, and we really had good responses. Anyone, anywhere, has the chance to see what is going on at FBC, including our military family's away from home, students, and possible new members!

For our blog, I have added a sample.
(look at the sidebar to the right of this page under "About Our Teacher")

Please try it out, and we will also have many other ways of using the media on the church website, (iTunes, Flash, etc)

You can also subscribe to our podcast by clicking on this link:

Please give us feedback by clicking on the COMMENTS button below, or emailing me!
God Bless, and keep us in your prayers as we strive to further Gods word.

Prayer Requests - 02-24-08

Remember the Fincham family after the death of Cynthia
Keith Batts' great uncle diagnosed with cancer
Eddie Yoakum was diagnosed with prostrate cancer
Co-worker of Kelly Workman- wife is battling cancer
Teresa Clark-at home sick with shingles
Jack Ferrell-at home not feeling well
Jen Gary's grandmother-transition to having to live with Jen's mom
Blakeman's-in search of a house

Roberto is now officially a US citizen
Lisa McIntosh has a new job that is Monday-Friday
Derrick & Amy have a sellers contract on their house in Paducah.
The kid's workshop went very well
Jen Gary thanks everyone for the prayers, calls, visits, & flowers during her recovery

* Remember, our part (the pew) is to invite people to church & the worship leaders (the pulpit) part is to tell them about the word of God. If we all do our part imagine what a difference we could make.

If opposition brings you to your knees, remember what Christians do best in that position and victory won't be far away....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Prayer Request - Nelson Dossett & Family

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lisa Dossett <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:52:52 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

Andrew--Please send this prayer request out to the class.

My brother, Nelson Dossett, was let go from his job at Cayce Mill this morning due to "not enough work to justify his position". We are all in shock and very upset about this. He has worked there for approximately 6 years. He and his wife have 4 children to support. We know that God has another plan for his life, but this is something we did not see coming. They gave him no notice whatsoever.

Thanks for the prayers!
Lisa McIntosh

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Hey Team:


We still need at least one more adult to work in the nursery this Sunday. If any of you would be willing to help with this need, please let me know. Thanks to all of you who have served in the nursery this month and those that are scheduled to do so this Sunday. This is an important ministry of our church.


Please plan to join us for our class fellowship on Friday, February 29 at 6:00 p.m. at the CLC. As usual, it will be potluck and no stress.

Pastor Search

Please continue to pray for the Pastor Search Committee and the process. If you have not turned in your survey, please do so this Sunday. Also, please plan to attend our town hall congregational forum on March 9.

"Walk by faith"

Dr. Gardner delivered another powerful, practical sermon last week in which he reminded us that we need to "walk by faith and not by sight" (II Corinthinas 5:7). In essence, our thoughts, our attitudes, our actions, and all that we do should be motivated by our faith in God, and not our desires in the world; by our focus on the eternal, and not the temporal.

So . . . walk on.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Prayer Request - Kelly Jackson's Mother (update)

Sadly, Kelly Jackson's mother did not survive the heart attack she suffered Sunday afternoon. Please continue to pray for this family.

We'll let you know if there is anything specific we can do for them.

Press on.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Prayer Requests for 2-17-08

  • Family of Cynthia Fincham- Steve Fincham's wife who died in auto accident
  • Karen's coworker-going through marital problems
  • David Stooksbury's mom-having knee replacement surgery
  • Sherry Newton-having more tests ran 2-18-08
  • Kahle's employee, Todd Utley, still recovering from auto accident
  • Blakemans looking for a home
  • Rachel DeCoursey-still battling mono
  • Jack Ferrell-recovering from fall at home
  • Youth traveling back from ski trip


  • Bettye-meals provided by class
  • Roy & Tammy White & family joining church family

Remember that we should walk by faith, not by sight!

Prayer Request - Kelly Jackson's Mother

We just learned that Kelly Jackson's mother had a heart attack. Kelly and Ashley are on their way to be with her. Please pray for this family and this situation.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Muhlenberg County Disaster Relief

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas W. Westerfield <>
Date: Feb 16, 2008 6:38 AM
Subject: Muhlenberg County - Disaster Relief

Good Morning All,

I'm finally back from duty in Muhlenberg County. We had a great Baptist response of 134 different individuals including a team from the Blue Ridge Baptist Association in the Maryland-Delaware Convention.

Our teams accomplished 71 different chainsaw/recovery jobs. Our Christian County Baptist Assn, including our own Tory Pinson, responded day 1. Our shower trailer was on location for the entire period.

We "stood down" at 5:00 pm yesterday....


Two prayer requests to include please...Nancy DeCoursey

I am sure Ray will probably mention these two requests on Sunday. However, I wanted to make sure the one for John Reynold's is utmost on everyone's mind.

Rachel has been out of school for almost six whole weeks with mono. If you would all continue to hold her up in prayer we would be so appreciative. She is an avid ballplayer and this bedrest has just about gotten the best of her.

Bruce and Candy Cline and their daughter Caitlin came out to visit her and during our conversation they shared that they would like for us to mention a prayer request as well. A friend of theirs John Reynolds, 18, a senior at Christian County has just found out he has cancer--leukemia. He has lost is father and uncle from the disease and he is terrified. John begins chemo on Monday. Please keep this young man in your prayers as his life has already been so deeply disrupted by this disease.

Our Rachel is just inconvenienced. We realize that others are in much more challenging situations. Thank you for including these prayer concerns this Sunday.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Self Study List - Security Alert: Storm Worm Links in Valentine E-Cards

Being Valentine's day, and everyone emailing loved ones, I thought this might be of importance for our group..

As I am a network admin for the state, I have been notified of a FBI warning of the Storm Worm Virus links in Valentine's Day e-cards. February always shows an increase in the malicious emails received with Valentine's subjects, Tax Refund and Tax Rebate subjects from the "IRS" and other topics of the season. We have already been seeing 'IRS' emails. The Storm Worm has been around for a little over a year now, and the estimates of computers continued to be infected with this Trojan are perhaps nearing 1 million. This is not one of the many "Hoaxes" that scare people into forwarding to their friends.

'Storm' requires the user to do something they shouldn't in an email they received from someone they usually don't know. Most of the time the user will be asked to click a link in an email to receive a special card, or start a download, or click to visit a malicious web site.

Note that many of the same Subject Lines and techniques are expected to be similar to the 2007 flood of emails. If you receive any of these delete them immediately!

The emails are short and to the point, containing a brief message, followed by a URL. Should the user click on the URL, they will be directed to a site that looks like this:

The subjects and bodies we have seen so far include the following (many are recycled from the Storm worm's 2007 Valentine's Day campaign):

• A Dream is a Wish
• A Is For Attitude
• A Kiss So Gentle
• A Rose
• A Rose for My Love
• A Toast My Love
• Come Dance with Me
• Come Relax with Me
• Dream of You
• Eternal Love
• Eternity of Your Love
• Falling In Love with You
• For You....My Love
• Heavenly Love
• Hugging My Pillow
• I Love You Because
• I Love You Soo Much
• I Love You with All I Am
• I Would Dream
• If Loving You
• In Your Arms
• Inside My Heart
• Love Remains
• Memories of YouA Token of My Love
• Miracle of Love
• Our Love is Free
• Our Love Nest
• Our Love Will Last
• Pages from My Heart
• Path We Share
• Sending You All My Love
• Sending You My Love
• Sent with Love
• Special Romance
• Surrounded by Love
• The Dance of Love
• The Mood for Love
• The Time for Love
• When Love Comes Knocking
• When You Fall in Love
• Why I Love You
• Words in my Heart
• Wrapped in Your Arms
• You... In My Dreams
• Your Friend and Lover
• Your Love Has Opened
• You're my DreamAttachment Name:
• withlove.exe
• with_love.exe

Wishing all the best this February 14th!
Randy Sigler

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Self Study - God speaks we must either do what He asks ...

Hey Team:

Oswald Chambers says, "We don't consciously and deliberately disobey God --we simply don't listen to Him." He goes on to say that we often do not want to hear from God "because we know that when God speaks we must either do what He asks or tell Him we will not obey."

Is there any area of our lives in which we are not listening to Him today?

Lots of great things are happening in and through our church and class. Thanks to those of you who are working in the nursery, with our children's ministries, with our youth; those of you who are providing meals to members of our class, who are singing in the choir, or helping with some other ministry of our church. Keep up the great work!

Dates to Remember
February 29 -- S.S. class fellowship at 6:00 p.m. at the CLC
(potluck -- invite a prospect)
Feb/March -- Parenting class led by Carolyn Self (dates TBA soon)
March 9 -- Church-wide "townhall forum" in evening service
April 26 -- Marriage conference at church (simulcast with Gary Smalley)

Hope to see you Sunday!

Press on...

Upward - Jeff REALLY needs help

Jeff REALLY needs help at the CLC this Saturday from 10:45 -1:00 with Upward Basketball. (It is really such a great experience!)

He needs a commitment BY THURSDAY because he's going out of town. I'm not sure what the job description is --- it could be keeping the clock, doing a short 2-minute devotion, etc...

Leigh Ann Stewart

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Prayer Requests for 2-10-08

Jen Gary- Dr appointment on Tuesday 2-13-08
Bettye Ferrell- at JSMC with pneumonia
Sherry Newton- having tests run this week
Frank & Tiffany Mason- 1 year old son has Encephalocele
(born with hole in skull)
Marlene Blakeman- very sick
Katie Meador- possible broken hand
Rachel DeCoursey- still battling mono
A woman at Chatter Matters had to leave during conference due to house fire
The tornado victims of Kentucky & Tennessee
Tim & Marlene-looking for a home, having to move
Randy Sigler - Sick with a virus / cold

Dr. Travis & Sue had a great vacation

We either Pray or are Preyed upon...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Prayer Request - Storm Victims

We need to keep in prayer the family's who lost loved ones, and those who lost their homes and businesses with last nights storm. It could have easily been one of us.

I have several state office that I cover, who were down today. Greenville has no power, and has been declared a disaster area. KY National Guard has been called into Muhlenberg area.


* We are working hard on getting the church disaster team up and going. Please keep the team in prayer. Troy was hard at work with the association team in Greenville just this past week.

(Ky Baptist Volunteer)

Thank you Troy, and all the other volunteers who put yourself out there helping those in need.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Prayer Requests - Week of 2-3-07

  • Family of Juanita & Chester Young- Juanita passed on 1-31-08 & Chester on 2-3-08
  • Family of John Zartman-passed away
  • Jen Gary- at home recovering from surgery
  • Guidance counselor that Karen works with having problems with teenage son
  • Unspoken request-friend dealing with marital problems
  • Leigh Ann - home with upper respiratory infection
  • Jack Ferrell - at home sick

  • Teachers & students were thankful for snow day
  • Danielle, Alexis, & Abby Martin have officially joined our church

Let's remember to continue praying for the pastor search committee as they continue to seek the new leader that God has in store for us.

Hope to see everyone at church on Sunday!

SelfStudy - Week of 2-3-07

Hey Team:

1. WELCOME: to Danielle, Alexis, and Abby Martin! Although they have been faithful at FBC for some time, it is great to make it "official." Thanks to all of you who have been such great friends to Danielle. Let's continue to love, support and encourage this family in the days to come.

2. PARENTING CLASS: Not sure about the dates yet (probably beginning in March), but we are going to have a parenting class at FBC taught by Carolyn Self, who you may know has taught such classes in our community (and other communities) for close to 40 years. Parents of all ages are encouraged to participate. It should be helpful -- and fun!

3. MARRIAGE CONFERENCE: Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26 when Dr. Gary Smalley will lead a marriage conference at our church. O.K., Dr. Smalley will appear by simulcast, but it promises to be great. More information to come.

4. CLASS FELLOWSHIP: We will have a potluck S.S. class fellowship the end of February or beginning of March. The tentative date (subject to the availability of the CLC) is February 29 at 6:00 p.m.

5. PROSPECTS: Roy Wayne and Tammy White visited our class again last Sunday. If any of you know them and/or would be willing to follow up with them, their phone number is 475-2738. Their address is 2175 Little River Church Road (either Pembroke or Hopkinsville -- not sure). Also, Tim and Kim Downs and their daughters Lacey and Bailey visited this past Sunday. I know many of you know them so please let them know how much we would love to have them come to S.S., etc. (306 Tremont Dr., 886-8481).

Press on...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Prayer Request - Chester Young


I also need to ask prayer for Chester Young, Juanita's husband, he is in the hospital in Nashville. The doctors don't think he will live through the day. Tim, Buddy, & Diane were taking care of Juanita's funeral arrangements and received a call from the hospital saying that Chester was unresponsive. Tim isn't sure if they will get to the hospital in time to see Chester before he passes.

They really need alot of prayer right now. This is something they thought might happen, but weren't ready to deal with it either. I would just appreciate it if everyone would keep them in your prayers.

Thanks, Mike

Prayer Request - Family of Juanita Young


I am requesting prayer for the family of Juanita Young, she passed away last night. She is the mother of Tim & Buddy Young and Diane Kennedy.

Some of you may know Tim, he owns Tim's Body Shop at the corner of Sanderson & North Main. Buddy used to own an auto repair service.
They are tentatively planning visitation tomorrow at Lamb's Funeral Home and the funeral Sunday. Just remember the family in your prayers.
Thanks, Mike.