Hello Team!
You may know that we (Media Team), are working on putting audio/video of our church ministries on the web. I did this at my old church, and we really had good responses. Anyone, anywhere, has the chance to see what is going on at FBC, including our military family's away from home, students, and possible new members!

For our blog, I have added a sample.
(look at the sidebar to the right of this page under "About Our Teacher")
Please try it out, and we will also have many other ways of using the media on the church website, (iTunes, Flash, etc)
You can also subscribe to our podcast by clicking on this link: http://www.fbchopkinsville.net/files/Audio_Files/fbcaudio.xml
Please give us feedback by clicking on the COMMENTS button below, or emailing me!
God Bless, and keep us in your prayers as we strive to further Gods word.
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