Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Self Study - God speaks we must either do what He asks ...

Hey Team:

Oswald Chambers says, "We don't consciously and deliberately disobey God --we simply don't listen to Him." He goes on to say that we often do not want to hear from God "because we know that when God speaks we must either do what He asks or tell Him we will not obey."

Is there any area of our lives in which we are not listening to Him today?

Lots of great things are happening in and through our church and class. Thanks to those of you who are working in the nursery, with our children's ministries, with our youth; those of you who are providing meals to members of our class, who are singing in the choir, or helping with some other ministry of our church. Keep up the great work!

Dates to Remember
February 29 -- S.S. class fellowship at 6:00 p.m. at the CLC
(potluck -- invite a prospect)
Feb/March -- Parenting class led by Carolyn Self (dates TBA soon)
March 9 -- Church-wide "townhall forum" in evening service
April 26 -- Marriage conference at church (simulcast with Gary Smalley)

Hope to see you Sunday!

Press on...

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