Thursday, April 17, 2008

Katie DeCoursey -- Update

Hey Team:

Katie is going to be fine, although the situation was very, very serious and potentially life threatening. Katie did have an ovarian cyst which ruptured causing substantial blood loss. She had emergency surgery last night/this morning and is now stable and may even be able to go home on Friday.

I just left the hospital (Andy and Jeff were already there and Jeff was still there when I left) and had a good visit with Ray and Nancy. There are many details about this situation that I want Nancy to share with you (all under the category of "Praise") when she feels comfortable doing so. Please continue to remember Nancy, Ray, Rachel and, of course, Katie, in your prayers. While everything looks great now, this past 15 hours has been very traumatic. I know they will continue to appreciate our love, support and prayers.

Press on...

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