Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Self Study

Hey Team:

I believe it is important to regularly evaluate everything we do: home, work, church, etc. Is their a purpose or goal that we are trying to accomplish? Is there a process in place to try to accomplish that goal? Is there a better way to accomplish what we are trying to accomplish?

As you may know, I think about that last question often when it comes to our Sunday School class. For example, this past Sunday we started a new unit on prayer. It obviously struck a nerve because we had a number of wonderful comments from a great many people. Discussion, of course, is a very good thing and a very central part of our class. However, I sensed that there were some who perhaps did not have the opportunity to express themselves and others who perhaps would have shared more if time permitted. Also, as is sometimes the case, we didn't really even get into the lesson which, again, is not necessarily a bad thing.

But, it does beg the question, "Is there a better way to accomplish what we are trying to accomplish?"

With that in mind, I would like to have your feedback and thoughtful consideration to the following:

1. Would we be better served in trying to accomplish our purpose by dividing into two or more classes?
2. If not, should we at least consider breaking up into smaller groups on occasion to allow for more discussion opportunities for more people?
3. Should we consider a different format? A different curriculum?
4. Should we rotate teachers/class facilitators?
5. Is there a better way to do S.S.?

Please let me/us hear from you.

Press on.


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