Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sunday School

Hey Team,

As the new year approaches,

Thank You, Dr. Gardner

Words cannot describe my gratitude for all that Dr. Gardner has done for us this past year. His leadership, preaching, and gracious example of what a Christian should be have been a great blessing to FBC in 2008. As his time as interim pastor comes to a close, please be sure to express your appreciation to him for so capably guiding us through this season in the life of our church.

Welcome Bro. Rick and Stevens Family

This Sunday will mark Bro. Rick's first official Sunday as our pastor. Let's do all that we can to help him, as well as his family, feel welcome and loved as they come to minister among, with and to us in the days to come.

For Men (Only)

Mike Stewart and I have been meeting on a weekly basis for a time of Bible study and prayer and would like to invite any other men who may be interested to meet with us. We have been meeting on Wednesday mornings before work, but both of us are willing to meet whenever and wherever. If you are interested, please let Mike (mikestewart@bellsouth.net) or me know.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Press on.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks and Merry Christmas

Hey Team,
Special thanks to Mike Woolfolk  for teaching our class this past Sunday.  As expected, Mike did a great job.  Mike is one of many in our class who are very capable teachers.  Thanks, Mike, for your willingness to serve in this way.
Thanks to all of you for the very kind Christmas gift you gave me.  I love our class and it is a great privilege for me to travel this journey with you.  Thanks.
Merry Christmas
While many of us enjoy all the trappings of a cultural Christmas, we are often reminded that this time of year can be difficult for those who have lost or are away from loved ones, those who are discouraged by the condition of their life circumstances, or perhaps some other disappointment which leaves them without peace, without joy, and without hope. 
In some ways it may seem to be a cruel irony of life that many feel this way during Christmas.  On the other hand, perhaps it is part of God's providential plan to draw all men to Him.  After all, isn't that why God sent His Son to earth -- to give us a peace that passes all understanding. to bring indescribable joy even when we encounter various trials, and to provide hope for a world that otherwise has none. 
In a world that has so many problems and so much disappointment and so many questions, Jesus is the answer.  Merry Christmas!
Press on.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Prayer Requests for December 14th

Prayer Requests
  • Teresa Goodaker- at JSMC having seizures
  • Janet Sowards-recovering from mastectomy
  • Joelee Haggard-having bone problems with her knee
  • Debbie Gary-osteoporosis in her hip
  • Kaitlyn Daniels-separated her shoulder playing basketball
  • Jen Gary's niece-cancer in her uterus
  • Tommy Estes family-in the death of his son


  • Thanks from Cheri Taylor for the meals
  • Ronnie & Shawna Barnett celebrating their 21st Anniversary on Friday
  • Amy Stooksbury's dad-drove himself to the Post Office
  • Miranda Hunt-cancer is gone


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday School Christmas Party 2008

Just a reminder about our annual Sunday School Christmas Party:

Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008
Time: 6:00 p.m. to ????
Place: The Selfs, 712 Kensington Court
Attire: Whatever
What to bring: Food
Who: S.S. members, prospects, family, friends, etc.

Self Class Christmas 2007
More photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/randy.sigler/SelfChristmas2007#

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. We sincerely hope you can come.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Challenge House Workers

Mike Stewart is trying to get some guys together either this Thursday evening, Friday evening, or Saturday morning to help him do some work to help winterize one or both of the Challenge Houses.  The work may include insulating the attics, weatherproofing windows, repair work on the hot water heaters, etc.  If you are interested, or if you know someone who would be willing to help, please email Mike at mikestewart@bellsouth.net or call him at home at 886-4266.
Thanks, Mike, and thanks to any of you who can help.
Press on.

Fw: meals for the Taylors

Please let us know if you can provide a meal.  Of course, if some of you want to do this together, that would be great too.
Press on.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Noell Robinson <noellrobinson@hotmail.com>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 11:32:11 AM
Subject: meals for the Taylors

Andrew,  would you forward this to everyone for me please?
Mike and Cheri are still at the Liebe's house every night this week.  It would be great if we could provide a few meals for about 6 people.
You can coordinate a time with Cheri.  Her cell number is 839-0728.  The Liebe's address is 2709 Cayce Meade Drive.
Please reply all if you can take dinner one of these nights and include what you are making so that we don't feed them the same thing every night.
Thank you all.  They really appreciate it.

Send e-mail faster without improving your typing skills. Get your Hotmail® account.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Request -- Liebe/Taylor Families

Hey Team,
I'm sure that many of you have already learned of the very tragic death of Josh Liebe last night.  Josh is Cheri Taylor's brother and the son of Rich and Cathy Liebe.  Please remember these families in your prayers, that our God, the God of peace and hope, will comfort them and make His presence known to them at this most difficult time.  Although funeral arrangements are not yet complete, it is my understanding that the family is asking that, in lieu of flowers, etc, that any contributions be made to a trust fund at BB&T for Josh's two young children, Madison and Jamison.
Although Josh encountered a number of personal challenges in his relatively young life, in recent months he and his wife had become actively involved in a church and in a weekly Bible study.  A dear friend of mine who has been ministering to Josh and his family had told me in recent weeks about how much Josh and his wife were growing in their faith.
There are many things in this life that we will not understand, but one thing we know is this, that Jesus "is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no man comes to the Father" but by Him.  While there is much pain and confusion caused by his untimely death, I am convinced that Josh knows the Way.  And all who know the Way will have Life everlasting.  
Press on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Party

Hey Team,
Just a reminder about our annual Sunday School Christmas Party:
Date:  Saturday, December 13, 2008   
Time:  6:00 p.m. to ????
Place:  The Selfs, 712 Kensington Court
Attire:  Whatever
What to bring:  Food
Who:  S.S. members, prospects, family, friends, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  We sincerely hope you can come.
Press on.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thank you

Hey Team,
Special thanks to John and Beth, Kahle and Karen, and Mike and Joelette (aka Couples #1,2 and 3, respectively) for their unparalleled performances in our "Not So Newlywed Game."  It was a fun way to cap off our Song of Solomon study.  Sometimes it's good just to get together and laugh.  We did.  Thanks again to our participating couples.
Also, many of you have expressed an interest in getting the Song of Solomon study for youth.  If you would like more information, you can go to www.songofsolomon.com, and then to Bible Studies where you will find Song of Solomon for Students.  This study apparently incorporates the first four units of the adult study which involve attraction, dating, and courtship.  Please give some thought to how this might be implemented (e.g. gender specific groups, what ages/grades, etc.?) as well as who might be appropriate facilitators.  Tory is going to discuss this with Jeff and get back with us.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nursery Workers Needed for November

 Here are the spots we still need to fill for the nursery this month.  If you have not yet signed up, please let us know when and where you can help.
Thanks (and thanks, Jen, for keeping up with this for us).
We still need:       
1 worker this Sunday, Nov. 16 in the 3 yr old room to help out Dr. Matt Robinson 
1 Sunday, Nov. 23 for the 2 yr old room
3 Sunday, Nov. 30 for the 2 yr old room and the 3 yr old room
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Re: S.S.

We still need:       
1 worker this Sunday, Nov. 16 in the 3 yr old room to help out Dr. Matt Robinson 
1 Sunday, Nov. 23 for the 2 yr old room
3 Sunday, Nov. 30 for the 2 yr old room and the 3 yr old room
-------Original Message-------
Date: 11/12/08 16:58:52
To: andrewcself@yahoo.com;  awatson@newschannel5.com;  bcself@newwavecomm.net;  bettyefbchop@bellsouth.net;  blakeman1@newwavecomm.net;  bobbym1@bellsouth.net;  bpeck66@yahoo.com;  Cheri.Taylor@christian.kyschools.us;  ckbatts@hesenergy.net;  Danielle.Martin@christian.kyschools.us;  ddavegardner@yahoo.com;  dstooksbury@blackequipment.com;  dtn@bellsouth.net;  dwatson@hwea-ky.com;  eva_42240@yahoo.com;  handmvending@hotmail.com;  Jeff.Newton@genesistours.com;  jennifer.marszalek@christian.kyschools.us;  jjonesfbchop@bellsouth.net;  jowoolfolk@bellsouth.net;  jspicer9892@charter.net;  kahlemorrisjr@hotmail.com;  karen.kenady@ky.gov;  keenadaniel@bellsouth.net;  kentuckyjack2000@yahoo.com;  kevin.crider@christian.kyschools.us;  kgardner@cmfoods.com;  Kim.Stevenson@christian.kyschools.us;  kimberly.batts@christian.kyschools.us;  kmmtubbs@yahoo.com;  kworkman@plantersbankonline.com;  lbowie@bbandt.com;  leeannlove@yahoo.com;  leighann.stewart@christian.kyschools.us;  lisa.pinson@christian.kyschools.us;  lisadossett@yahoo.com;  mark_holland@bellsouth.net;  markgar@bellsouth.net;  marleneblakeman@jsmc.org;  matthew_robinson@yahoo.com;  donna mcintyre;  mhcampbell@hesenergy.net;  mindy.crider@christian.kyschools.us;  msturdivant@trinitysem.edu;  mtcclark@bellsouth.net;  ndefamily@aol.com;  Sherry Kaye Newton;  noellrobinson@hotmail.com;  paulinehas6@msn.com;  penny.sigler@gmail.com;  perryameeks@bellsouth.net;  prmeeks@bellsouth.net;  randy.sigler@gmail.com;  randysig.fbcself@blogger.com;  rbarnett@hragripower.com;  robturn@hotmail.com;  rt66white@bellsouth.net;  rtubbs@hwea-ky.com;  samandshay@bellsouth.net;  sambrown@jsmc.org;  shakes721@yahoo.com;  shannongreenwood2000@yahoo.com;  shawna.barnett@christian.kyschools.us;  stooksdacp@aol.com;  thegarys@hesenergy.net;  thestews2@bellsouth.net;  tim_east@trimble.com;  toni.fincham@christian.kyschools.us;  torypinson@bellsouth.net;  Anthony J Webster;  william.bowie1@us.army.mil;  womble@intnet.ne;  woodlandplace@yahoo.com
Subject: S.S.
Hey Team,
Song of Solomon
We will finish up our Song of Solomon study with Romance Part II this Sunday and Commitment next Sunday.  I hope and pray this has been a practical help to you and your spouse.  Obviously, it addresses some issues about which we are sometimes uncomfortable or uncertain.  My prayer is that we would learn and know what each of us can and should do to help make our marriages the best they can be.
We still need a few more nursery workers for this month.  Thanks to all of you who have already signed up or already worked.  ALSO, as you may recall, the young adult S.S. class from Hillcrest worked the nursery on November 2 so that all of our folks could be in the worship service to hear Bro. Rick.  We are going to return the favor by keeping their children for a couple of hours on Saturday, November 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  If any of you would be willing to help Eva and me, we would greatly appreciate it.  Please let us know.
Thanksgiving Feast
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be on Sunday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the CLC.  This is always a great time of fellowship and in many ways kicks off the holiday season for me.
Sunday School Fellowship
Eva and I would like to invite you to our annual S.S. Christmas fellowship at our house on Saturday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m.  As always, come when you can and don't feel bad about leaving early. It's always a lot of fun, and great food.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

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Hey Team,
Song of Solomon
We will finish up our Song of Solomon study with Romance Part II this Sunday and Commitment next Sunday.  I hope and pray this has been a practical help to you and your spouse.  Obviously, it addresses some issues about which we are sometimes uncomfortable or uncertain.  My prayer is that we would learn and know what each of us can and should do to help make our marriages the best they can be.
We still need a few more nursery workers for this month.  Thanks to all of you who have already signed up or already worked.  ALSO, as you may recall, the young adult S.S. class from Hillcrest worked the nursery on November 2 so that all of our folks could be in the worship service to hear Bro. Rick.  We are going to return the favor by keeping their children for a couple of hours on Saturday, November 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  If any of you would be willing to help Eva and me, we would greatly appreciate it.  Please let us know.
Thanksgiving Feast
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be on Sunday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the CLC.  This is always a great time of fellowship and in many ways kicks off the holiday season for me.
Sunday School Fellowship
Eva and I would like to invite you to our annual S.S. Christmas fellowship at our house on Saturday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m.  As always, come when you can and don't feel bad about leaving early. It's always a lot of fun, and great food.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Prayer Requests for November 9, 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Jim Pelham-at St Thomas recovering from a blood clot after having a heart attack
  • Jo Pelham-not only dealing with Jim's situation, but she has a broken foot
  • Friend of Ray & Nancy who's recovering from surgery
  • Roy & Tammy-while they are traveling
  • Marlene's daughter and son in law as they go through the adoption process
  • Dr. Stevens and his family as they prepare to leave their current church and transition to our church.


  • The event at the YMCA on Thursday night
  • Dr Stevens accepting the call to be our pastor
  • All of the guests that have been attending in our Sunday School class

Hope to see you at Sunday School

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey Team,
Thanks for helping to make this past Sunday a very memorable one.  Let's continue to pray for our new pastor, Bro. Rick Stevens, and his family, as they prepare to lead us and minister to and with us beginning in January.  Also, we had 393 in Sunday School this past Sunday.  Thanks, Max, for your leadership, and thanks to all of you who were there.
I thought our session on "Conflict" this past Sunday was so important, and the material was so good, I wanted to share the following with you one more time.  Remember, wisdom is the correct application of knowledge.  I pray that we would be wise in our marriage relationships (i.e. if we know what to do and don't do it then what good does it do us to know it?).
"The 17 'Nevers' of Communicating with Your Spouse"
1.  Never raise your voice in your home.
2.  Never publicly embarrass your mate.
3.  Never quarrel before the children.
4.  Never use the kids to win an argument.
5.  Never talk about your spouse outside your marriage.
6.  Never use sex to win.
7.  Never touch in anger.
8.  Never call names.
9.  Never get historical and call into account a wrong suffered.
10. Never stomp out.
11. Never freeze your mate out.
12. Never use the in-laws.
13. Never reason in the face of pain.
14. Never let the sun go down on your wrath and give the devil an opportunity.
15. Never reverse an argument.
16. Never fail to listen to your mate.
17. Never harden yourself towards your spouse.
Thanks . . . and press on.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prayer Requests for November 2, 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Tim Blakeman- motorcycle trip on Monday & Tuesday
  • Sherry Newton's Dad- having MRI on Nov 3 for memory loss issues
  • Amy Stooksbury's Dad- not doing very well at all
  • Family of Mathew Leitchfield
  • National and local elections


Hope everyone exercises their right to vote on election day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vote Tuesday

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

If there is to be healing in our nation today, it will not occur without a spiritual renewal resulting from following God’s clear and direct instruction.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hey Team,
This is a big weekend in the life of our church as we consider and vote on a prospective pastor, Dr. Rick Stevens.  Here is what's going on:
1.  Friday, October 31 -- Dr. Stevens and his family will attend Trunk or Treat and the MissionSix concert at the church.  This will present an informal opportunity to meet them and to talk with them.
2.  Saturday, November 1 -- We will have an informal Q & A session with Dr. Stevens in the fellowship hall beginning at 10:00 a.m.  Light refreshments will be served by the Hospitality Ministry Team.
3.  Sunday, November 2 -- Dr Stevens will preach in the morning worship service in view of a call to become our next pastor.  We will vote on the call immediately following the service. 
This Sunday is also "high attendance" Sunday.  With all that is going on, we hope you will make every effort to be there.  We will also be continuing our Song of Solomon study in Sunday School.
Please be in prayer about the decision that our church is being asked to make regarding Dr. Stevens.  Having served on the pastor search committee, I am very excited about the possibility that he may be our next pastor.  The recommendation of the committee that we call him is unanimous.
Hope to see you soon.
Press on.

Fw: Prayer request

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "rt66white@bellsouth.net" <rt66white@bellsouth.net>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 7:06:06 AM
Subject: Prayer request



I'm not sure if Sherry (Newton) has contacted you, but they admited her father (Chuck Grisham) into Jennie Stuart yesterday with complete kidney failure. They are supposed to start dialysis this morning, but not sure when. So if we can send a prayer request out for Chuck and the family.





Monday, October 27, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests
  • David Jones-(local architect)undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer
  • Roy Stallons-(friend of Newton's)Doctors have given him just a few days left
  • Jeff Newton's sisters-both recovering from gall bladder surgery
  • Steve Mills-(friend of DeCoursey's)upcoming neck surgery
  • Charles Billingsley-at Vanderbilt recovering from surgery complications at JSMC
  • Brother Rick Stevens-prospective pastor coming to preach on November 2nd
  • Trunk or Treat and concert event coming up on Friday


  • Dean Koch-seems to be doing well
  • Nancy's sister-recovering from eye surgery complications

Hope to see everyone at the many events at the church this coming weekend.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Assistance Kristy Frensley

From: Angela Bracey <angelafbchop@bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 9:27 AM
Subject: Assistance Kristy Frensley

From Carolyn Self:
Kristy Frensley is the 36 year old young woman who was severely injured and her three children killed.  She remains in intensive care.  When she is discharged, she has nothing.  If you would like to assist in purchasing her clothing, toiletries or other personal items, please contribute to FBC this Sunday  or bring to the church office.  Several nurse and her sister will purchase items for her immediate use,  then provide gift cards at Wal-Mart or restaurants for her future use.  The extended family of her children are also in town and we will provide restaurant vouchers for them if enough is given.   
Other churches have been providing meals at the hospital for the family for the past week.

Trunk or Treat

Hey Team,
We need more candy for Trunk or Treat.  My personal favorite would be something chocolate, but I'm sure whatever you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Please either drop it by the church or bring it with you Sunday morning.  You can put it in the car "trunk" in the narthex, or you can give it to me for testing.  Either way -- THANKS!
Press on.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hey Team,
Song of Solomon -- This week we will have our first of two sessions regarding dealing with conflict.  These will be among the most important sessions we have during our study.  Please make plans to join us.
Pastor Search Committee Report -- This Sunday, October 26, at 6:00 p.m., the pastor search committee will give a report regarding its recommendation that Dr. Rick Stevens be called to be our pastor.  You should be receiving information in the mail this week regarding Bro. Rick, his family, and his ministry.  Please come Sunday night to ask questions and to hear why the search committee is unanimously recommending him.
Children's Hayride -- Hosted by Mary Glenn Orem and her family.  This Saturday, October 25 at 5:30 p.m.  Please call the church office and let us know if you are planning to attend.  Families are encouraged to come.  Food will be provided.  It's always fun at the Orems.
Our former interim pastor, Dr. John David Laida, often ended our worship services by encouraging us to "say a good word about our Lord and about our church to someone this week." 
Press on.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Prayer Requests for October 19th

Prayer Requests
  • Family of Ralph Combs in his recent passing
  • Amy Stooksbury's dad-at home, battling cancer
  • Family and friends affected by tragedy in Roaring Springs
  • Sherry Newton- battling a sinus infection


  • CoHop band had no injuries in bus accident on interstate.
  • Jonathan White-doing well in school and being away from home


 Hope everyone had a great fall break. See you in Sunday School.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hey Team,
I hope all of you are doing well and that you are enjoying Fall Break whether you are at home, on vacation, or even if it doesn't affect you at all.  We are in North Carolina visiting with Eva's family and friends. 
We will continue our Song of Solomon study this Sunday with Intimacy -- Part II.  Eva thinks we should probably divide up into "men" and "women" for discussion, and I agree with her although I'm not sure how much more we can get out of our guys.  Hang with me, men!
We look forward to seeing everybody on Sunday.
Press on.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fw: Betty Ferrell Dinners

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Meeks, Roscella" <Roscella.Meeks@am.dodea.edu>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>; Angela Bracey <angelafbchop@bellsouth.net>; Len Hale <lhale@hwea-ky.com>; Karen.kendady@ky.gov
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 9:48:06 AM
Subject: Betty Ferrell Dinners

<<Betty Ferrell Dinners.doc>>

Dear Friends,

Betty Ferrell has recently had knee surgery.  I spoke with her Wednesday night about providing meals to the family.  I am coordinating the list (see the attachment).  Please email this to your Sunday School classes and those interested can contact me and I will finalize the list.  She is planning on coming home Sunday, but doesn't want a meal until Monday.  Also, if you would rather get a gift card to a restaurant that would be okay also.  Thanks in advance. 

Roscella Meeks

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hey Team,
As we reach the mid-way point of our Song of Solomon study, we are going to take this week off as many will be out of town for fall break.  When we resume on October 19, we will do the second session on intimacy, followed by sessions on conflict, romance and commitment.  This Sunday we will do a more traditional type lesson, but it will still be on marriage.
Please continue to pray for our prospective pastor, Dr. Rick Stevens, as well as his wife, Shirley, and their children, Valerie (10th grade) and Samuel (7th grade).  Please also mark your calendars for Saturday morning, November 1.  We will have an informal time with Bro. Rick in the fellowship hall during which we can get to know him better.  The whole church is invited, and our time together will include a Q & A session.
Also, during the evening worship service on October 26, our search committee will share the details of our journey that led us to Bro. Rick.  On Sunday, November 2, Bro. Rick will preach in the morning service and then we will vote on his call immediately after the service.
Hope to see you soon.
Press on.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for October 5, 2008
  • Mathew Litchfield & family
  • Wendy Duvall-cancer is in remission
  • Amy Stooksbury's dad-chemo treatments
  • Nancy Decoursey's sister-recovering from eye surgery


  • Mike & Leigh Ann celebrating 8th wedding anniversary on Oct 6
  • all of the volunteers that are working at our church


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hey Team,
Song of Solomon
O.K., the preliminary rounds are over.  Now we get serious.  The issues of attraction, dating and courtship (which are not as relevant to most of us) will be replaced by intimacy, conflict, romance and commitment.  How we deal with these issues has a major impact on the quality of our marriages.  It's about to get very practical, very real, and very relevant. 
For those who are interested, we are going to go see the movie, "Fireproof," this Friday.  This is a great movie about marriage and commitment.  You won't be disappointed if you go with us.  We plan to meet at the church at 6:00 p.m. Friday and go from there.  The movie is at "The Great Escape" (Exit 1).  The cost is $8.25 for adults.  Hope you can go with us.
The Tubbs
I believe this Sunday will be Robert and Kathy's first official Sunday at Henderson Memorial where Robert will be serving as youth minister.  Please continue to pray for and support them in this effort.
Pastor Search
As I mentioned last Sunday, our search committee has extended an invitation to a prospective pastor who will be coming in view of a call the weekend of November 2.  Please continue to pray for him and his family., for our church, for his current church, and for his ministry.
Press on.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 28, 2008
  • Jonathan White-adjusting to living away from parents and finding a church
  • Public School System- overall morale
  • Pastor Search Committee-as they continue their process
  • Prospective pastor-as he prepares to come for a trial sermon
  • Our Presidential election-pray that everyone will seek God's guidance
  • Our national economy-pray that our leaders will do what's best for everyone


  • Good to see Roy White back at church after surgery
  • The great weather for the church picnic
  • All of the leaders, teachers, and volunteers at our church

Remember to be there early this Sunday.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Fw: Julia

Prayer request from Sam Brown.  Thanks, Sam, for caring about this family and for your ongoing concern.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sam Brown <SamBrown@jsmc.org>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:33:27 AM
Subject: FW: Julia

Hey Andrew,


A few weeks back I asked the class for prayers for the four year old daughter of a guy we do some work with at JSMC.  Below is an email from him to me yesterday with an update on her.  I know no one knows this family but me, but I ask for continued prayers for this precious four year old girl.


Thanks,  Sam


Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

From: Tim Stampp [mailto:stampp@medicalimagingspecialists.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:27 PM
To: Sam Brown
Subject: RE: Julia


Hi Sam,


Words can't describe how much a note like this means to us.  Results of her last scans (PET, CT and Ultrasound) showed that the chemotherapy is working on the lesions.  We also avoided having to give her a blood transfusion last week when her blood counts miraculously rebounded, baffling the doctors who could not figure out how her blood counts went back up literally over night.   The doctors believe she will need to be on chemo for at least one year.   She still has lesions in her lungs, bones and pituitary gland but again, the chemo appears to be affecting them and we are hoping that they will be completely gone after a few more months.   The challenge is that there are no blood tests that are able to detect "active disease" and that absence of lesions that can be seen on PET, CT, etc does not mean she has been cured.  They are worried that if they stop chemo after the lesions are gone (which we pray will happen) she will get new lesions that can go anywhere and we absolutely have to stop this from happening because they could show up in some bad spots (liver, kidney, brain).  So, they think if they continue chemo for at least a year there is a greater chance that no new lesions will form.  We are just taking it one day at a time. 


Her spirits are great despite all the hospital visits, scans, pricking and poking, and having her hair starting to fall out.  She is so amazing.  Thanks so much for the prayers, please keep them coming!  Talk with you soon.  Tim 


Tim Stampp

Medical Imaging Specialists


office: (800) 510-0680 | mobile: (504) 296-7220 | stampp@medicalimagingspecialists.com


From: Sam Brown [mailto:SamBrown@jsmc.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:29 PM
To: Tim Stampp
Subject: Julia




I hope you and your family are doing well.  How is Julia doing?  We include her in Alex's prayers every night – we never miss a night – asking God to please make her better.  All he knows is that she is a little girl that is sick so I hope he can meet her in very good health someday.


Talk to you soon.




Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hey Team,
How about a Sunday School Field Trip/Date Night with your spouse?  We are trying to determine the interest in going to see the movie, "Fireproof," on Friday, October 3 at Exit 1 (not sure what the movie theater is called -- never been there) in Clarksville.  Below is the link to the website about the movie and includes a trailer that may be of interest.  This is a great movie (Eva and I have seen it) about marriage and faith.  Anybody interested?
I know no time we pick will be good for everybody.  I also realize that some may want to go out to eat before or after.  To keep things as simple as possible for everybody, let's just try to make plans for the movie and then if anybody wants to do anything else that would be up to them.  The cost of the tickets is $8.25 per adult.
If you are interested, either respond to this email, or we will try to get a head count on Sunday.
We will continue our Song of Solomon study this Sunday.  Hope to see you then.
Press on.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 21, 2008
  • Doug Wallace's son has a cancerous spot on his liver
  • Alita Johnson's brother in law has leukemia
  • Continue to pray for pastor search committee
  • The families affected by hurricane Ike
  • Harold Wood- in Austin, TX helping with hurricane relief
  • Tom Westerfield-relief work in Georgia (near Russia)


  • All of the children in our church


Let's all get involved and help make Trunk or Treat a huge success. As Max said, we need to reach out to the unchurched in our community and this is a great way to do that.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Tubbs are moving

Hey Team,
Robert and Kathy Tubbs are moving this Saturday and could use some help.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to help because I will be with our pastor search committee in Georgia this weekend.  However, if you can help, please plan to meet at the Tubbs' current home (5925 Lafayette Rd.) at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday.  These occasions are always a great time of fellowship for all involved. 
Max is going to share a brief announcement in S.S. this Sunday about an upcoming event.  I hope you will plan to be there as we continue our study of Song of Solomon.
Press on.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Robert Tubbs <rtubbs@hwea-ky.com>
To: andrewcself@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 10:49:07 AM
Subject: moving

Andrew, I hope you are having a good week. Just to let you know, we are
going to move to Major Lane this Saturday the 20th. I have some help but a
few more guys would be great. I know this is short notice so if everyone is
tied up, that's ok.
Also, when the new pastor comes I would love to meet him.

Thanks for all you do!


24 Hours of Prayer from Denise Kellow

The Prayer Ministry would like to ask the church family to join us in a 24 Hour Prayer beginning Friday, September 19th, 2008 for our Pastor Search Team as they continue to search for our new pastor.

If you are willing to participate, please contact Denise Kellow, 886-1056 or email her at dkellow@hesenergy.net or Charlene Arvin, 886-9671.

Supporting Cystic Fibrosis, from Kevin Meacham

Dear Friends and Family,

This year I (Kevin) have decided to challenge myself by running the Chicago Marathon (26.2 miles). I am doing this in memory of our son Turner, and to honor Gracey.

I am running on behalf of team CF (Cystic Fibrosis). As part of my Team CF challenge, I must raise $1750 to be given directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

I ask for your support in two ways.

  • Please support us in prayer, pray for Gracey and her fight with CF, pray for a cure for CF, and pray for my strength and endurance as I train and when I run the race on Sunday October 12, 2008.
  • You can also support us by making a donation through the following options:
    1) fill out the attached pledge form and send in your check or credit card payment to the address given on form;
    2) donate over the phone using a Visa, MC, or AMEX, by calling 1-800-824-5064; or,
    3) donate online at http://www.cff.org/LWC/KevinMeacham9252.

    I have attached a CF letter, pledge form, and pictures. Thanks so much for your support.

    Kevin, Jennifer, and Gracey

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 14, 2008
  • Tim & Marlene-traveling this week
  • Roy White-recovering from surgery
  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-transition to Henderson Memorial Baptist
  • Christian County School System
  • Wendy Duvall-battling Leukemia
  • Pastor Search Committee as they travel to Valdosta, GA
  • People affected by recent hurricanes


  • All of the recent baptisms
  • All of the visitors that we have

Let's all invite someone to church


Prayer Requests

Praer Requests

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for Sept 7, 2008
  • Roy White having surgery on Tuesday
  • People involved in motorcycle accident Saturday
  • Larry Cavanah-mother has bleeding on the brain awaiting surgery
  • Mike & Jolette's daughter, Abby, having marital problems
  • Todd Morse-in the death of his 27 y/o cousin
  • Dana Hughes- in St Thomas with heart issues
  • Jen Gary's grandmother having surgery on Wednesday


  • Roy Whites family didn't sustain any major damage from the hurricane

Hope to see everyone at Sunday School




Hey Team,
I thought our Song of Solomon study got off to a good start last Sunday.  Thanks for coming and thanks for being there "early" so we could have plenty of time for discussion.  I hope we are all still thinking about our "challenge" from last week which is "to identify one thing in your life that you can do to improve your marriage."
This week we will take up the concept of "The Art of Dating."  I realize that many of us have not thought much about dating in quite some time (that may or may not be a good thing).  Remember, we are studying the book of the Song of Solomon so we are going to cover what's in the book.  I believe there are a number of important, practical applications from this session for all of us, whether married or single.  I hope you will be there.
Finally, Sherry Newton reports (from Tammy) that Roy White's surgery went well yesterday and that, as planned, he should get to go home today.  Although still in quite a bit of pain, it sounds like he is going to be fine.  Tammy and Roy appreciate the prayers and concern on their behalf.
Press on.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Hey Team,
This is a reminder that we will begin our 11-week study on Song of Solomon this Sunday.  Mike will start with the announcements and prayer requests at 9:25 a.m. and we plan to start the DVD promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Please try to be on time so that you can see the entired DVD and so that you won't distract others by arriving after the DVD starts.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for August 31, 2008
  • Wendy Duvall-Principal at HMS diagnosed with Leukemia
  • The family that lost their home in Eagles Cove in fire
  • Rachel Goodley-spiritually lost
  • Tom Westerfield-going to the country of Georgia for crisis relief
  • The Wombles as they travel back to Niger
  • Roy White's family-they live in Louisiana near hurricane path
  • Jonathan White-leaves for school in Chicago on the 19th
  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-Henderson Memorial position
  • School system during all of the transition
  • Youth group-traveling back from rafting trip


  • Rachel Decoursey-turned 14 on 8-31-08
  • Jack Ferrell-turned 47 on 8-31-08
  • All of the blessings that we have received and continue to receive daily

Remember that we are starting EARLY (9:25) on the 7th.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey Team,
In his mega-selling, life-defining book, Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren says that ministry is our service to believers and missions is our service to unbelievers.  He further maintains, and provides Biblical support for the proposition, that all of us as Christians should be involved in both ministry and missions.  Are we?  We're going to talk about that some this Sunday. 
Tonight at prayer meeting we are going to hear a report about a missions effort in the shadows of our church.  Heath and Paige Wilson, who work with the youth at New Work, are going to be with us to share about their recent experiences when their youth spent the night and did other things at Challenge House I and Challenge House II (on Bryan St. just a short walk from our church).  Hope you can come and hear them.  Perhaps it will give us some ideas about what we can do.
Press on.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have another praise to add. Randy & Penny Sigler celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary on August 1st.
Hope to see everyone at Sunday School.  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer Requests for August 24th 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Marlene's daughter-upcoming results of in vitro process
  • Evan Campbell & Clay Evans-involved in very bad auto accident
  • Wendy Duvall,principal at HMS, diagnosed with leukemia
  • Macy Young-recovering from brain surgery after being diagnosed with Moyamoya disease
  • Friend of David Stooksbury diagnosed with testicular cancer
  • Jerry Downey, friend of the Newton's, kidneys have failed on dialysis
  • Connor Gates-recovering from surgery do to an insect bite
  • Heath & Paige Wilson-coming to speak about Challenge House and the opportunities there
  • Amanda Tubbs-starting school in Lexington
  • Robert Tubbs-should know something soon regarding youth minister position


  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-celebrating 29th Wedding Anniversary this week
  • All of our Sunday School teachers that are willing to give their time to teach us each week

Remember to teach someone about Jesus, not just tell them about Jesus!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hey Team,
Here are a few thoughts for this week:
Congratulations Mike and Joelette  -- As far as we know, having received no reports to the contrary, the Woolfolks successfully made it to and through Tuesday, marking the 30th anniversary of their wedding.  I believe they have been doing this marrage thing longer than anybody else in our class.  Congratulations!
Song of Solomon Study  -- Our 11-week Song of Solomon study on "love, sex, romance and marriage" will begin on Sunday, September 7.  Please plan to attend and don't hesitate to invite others.  I believe this will be a meaningful experience for our class and more importantly, for our families.
Prospects/Visitors  --  Let's be sure to think about prospects for our class and our church.  This could include those who are not Christians, as well as those who are do not have a church home.  Let's also try to be especially sensitive to those who are attending who may not know a lot of people (or anybody).  We should be intentional about greeting them and doing everything we can to make them feel welcome, loved and accepted.
See you soon.
Press on.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Requests for 8-17-08

Prayer Requests
  • Roy White having surgery on 9-9-08 in Madisonville
  • Bettye Ferrell having knee replacement surgery 9-16-08 at Centennial
  • Tammy Buckingham's mom-possible heart attack
  • Wanda Belcher family in the death of her father Jack Yandell
  • Teacher for Mission Friends
  • Leader for Children's Church
  • Sam Brown's friend-4 year old daughter diagnosed with cancer
  • Robert Tubbs in his ministry decision
  • Remember the pastor search committee
  • Our church in the upcoming decisions and for our leadership
  • Matthew Gresham as he prepares to enter the US Navy
  • Caleb Gresham-possible heat stroke
  • Ray & Nancy's nephew recovering from drug addiction
  • College students returning back to school
  • School system with all of the leadership changes
  • Remember to pray for our new pastor


  • Sherry Gresham's dad has gone 1 year alcohol free
  • Mike & Jolette Woolfolk will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on Tuesday 8-19-08


Talk to someone about Jesus this week. 


Prayer Requests for August 10, 2008

I know these are late, but since it's never too late for prayer here they are.
Prayer Requests
  • Laura Deel-husband in hospital with headaches
  • Wayne Gordon in hospital with kidney Problems
  • Ray's nephew in Owensboro looking for a new start
  • Larry King-admitted no faith in Jesus during Steven Curtis Chapman interview
  • Tammy White's dad-lost sight in right eye
  • Pastor search committee
  • Andy, Tammy, & Family in their transition
  • Bennet Peck-suffering from migrane headaches
  • Family of Joe Dunn in has passing away


  • Shawna's nephew got married
  • Jack & Bettye Ferrell-24th wedding anniversary
  • Robert Tubbs-passed test at Moorehead State and had a chance to witness during test

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


 Hey Team,
Sunday School  --  Has anybody thought anymore about what we discussed this past Sunday?  As we discussed, if we are going to live our lives in a way that is different from the rest of the world and in a way that is pleasing to God, we need to specifically identify those things that take away from or distract from our relationship with the Lord  (e.g. pride, greed, lust, anger, unforgiveness, apathy, etc.).  Then, as I Cor. 10:31-34 reminds us, we need to understand that we need to deal with these issues on a "daily" or regular basis;  that who we associate with matters; and that how we think matters.  If we only study the Word but don't apply it to our lives, it is like pouring a glass of water but never drinking from it -- it serves no purpose and has no benefit. 
Wombles - August 17 Luncheon  --  Don't forget that we will have a spaghetti luncheon after church this Sunday with the proceeds (donation only) to go to medical and other missions efforts in which the Wombles are involved in Niger.  Also, there will be an opportunity to provide a Wal-Mart gift card for the Womble girls, Emily and Ruth, to help with their expenses in going back to college.  This is part of WMU's "Christmas in August" program.
Nursery Workers' Training -- August 24 Luncheon  --  Remember also that there will be a luncheon for nursery volunteers on August 24.  We will try to get a "head count" this Sunday for those of you who plan to attend.  Thanks again for all of you who are helping in the nursery this month and at other times.
Please continue to pray for our church, our staff, and our pastor search committee.
Press on.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fw: Marlene Blakeman

Update on Marlene Blakeman's foot surgery this morning.  It sounds good.
Press on.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Angela Bracey <angelafbchop@bellsouth.net>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:43:54 AM
Subject: Marlene Blakeman


Tim Blakeman just called and asked that an email be sent out to your class that Marlene came through her surgery GREAT and should get to come home today.


Angela Bracey

First Baptist Church Communications

1400 South Main Street | Hopkinsville | KY | 42240







Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hey Team,
For almost everybody, today is the first day of a new school year.  Let's remember to pray for our children, all students, teachers, administrators, central office staff, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, and everybody who is involved, in any way, in our schools. 
Press on.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Prayer Requests for August 3rd

  • Mike Beck-recent job decision
  • Paula Moss, friend of Decourseys, death of her husband
  • Robert Tubbs- youth minister situation
  • Marlene Blakeman-surgery on her foot on Wednesday
  • Kahle's nephew-having problems and needs guidance
  • Tara King-having seizures due to cancerous tumor, at Duke hospital 


  • Sam Brown-back safely from motorcycle trip
  • Kim & Keith Batts-celebrating 17th wedding anniversary
  • Tim Workman's birthday
  • Jack & Bettye Ferrell will be celebrating their anniversary on the 9th

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fw: On the home stretch (Sam Brown)

An update from Sam Brown regarding his cross-county motorcylec trek:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sam Brown <SamBrown@jsmc.org>
To: andrewcself@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 8:25:14 AM
Subject: On the home stretch

Hey Andrew,  I left the two lane highways for the last time last night.  I'm 760 miles from home, and I'm going to jump on I-70 today so I can meet Sharon and Alex somewhere in Missouri for my last night on the road.  I can't wait to see them.  Two more days of prayers would be appreciated.  Thanks, Sam

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey Team:
Hope you are all well.  Several things:
Song of Solomon  -- We will start our Song of Solomon study regarding relationships (including marriage) the first Sunday of September.  Please make plans to participate in this 11-week study that will include a DVD presentation and discussion each week.  Also, we still need approximately $175 to cover the cost of the study.  We will be taking up our usual "first Sunday of the month" offering this week and perhaps we could all kick in a $5 or a $10 instead of a $1 or a $5.
School  --  The beginning of school is right around the corner, which means different things for different people.  For some, it is pure agony, and for others it is a chance to see friends again.  For some, it means back to work, and for others it means they get a break. For all, it is an opportunity for us to pray for our children, our teachers and our schools.
The Buckingham Family  --  Please continue to pray for the Buckinghams as they make a major transition in their lives. 
Please also pray for Dr. Travis as he fills the pulpit this Sunday.
Press on.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nursery Volunteer Training

Hey Team:
As you may know, our Nursery Ministry Team has been working very hard to make sure our nursery is being run the right way.  Towards that end, they will be hosting a Nursery Volunteer Training after church on August 24.  Attached is an inivitation to that event.  Lunch and Childcare will be provided.
Remember that August is our month to work in the nursery. 
Thanks for serving our church in this way.
Press on.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Hey Team:
Good news:  Sam Brown is alive and well on his cross-country motorcycle trip.  Below is a recent email from Sam.  Still no word on whether he has a new tattoo or a ponytail (as many have predicted).

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sam Brown <SamBrown@jsmc.org>
To: andrewcself@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 8:02:22 AM
Subject: Still Cruisin'

Hey Andrew,  Hit Great Falls, Montana yesterday.  Came through some beautiful country getting here (and about 70 miles of rain).  I'm so close to Glacier National Park and Canada, but that will have to be another trip.  Headed west into Idaho and either Washington or Oregon.  2000 miles so far.  Keep the prayers coming.  Take care.  Sam



Also, special thanks to the following:


Tory and Lisa Pinson for hosting our summer fellowship.  All who attended had a great time.  The money we collected to pay for the meat has been donated by Tory and Lisa towards our Song of Solomon DVD.


Derrick Watson for sharing his incredible talent and gifts with us through song this past Sunday.  Every time Derrick plays Eva comments about how great he is on the guitar and how we need to find ways for him to play and sing more often.


Bobby McIntosh for filling in for Mike Stewart in Sunday School.  Bobby always does a great job and we appreciate his faithfulness and commitment.


Hope to see you Sunday.


Press on.





Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hey Team:
Don't forget that we are having our summer fellowship this Friday, July 18 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Tory and Lisa Pinson, 805 Springmont Drive.  This is always a fun, relaxed time so we hope you can  come.  The pool will be open for kids of all ages. 
What to bring?  Tory is going to grill hamburgers and hot dogs and we will have a donation basket there for the meat (any "extra" will go to the purchase of our Song of Solomon DVD series).  We've also got drinks, buns and condiments covered.  So, everybody else can bring a side or a dessert or whatever you want or nothing.  It will all work out -- it always does.  Also, you might want to bring some lawn chairs.
I know a lot of you are going to be on vacation over the next several weeks before school starts.  We hope you have a great, safe time with family and friends.  The neat thing is that we can worship Him wherever we are, whatever we are doing. 
Dr. Laida often closed the service with this simple statement, "Say a good word about our Lord and about our church this week."  Words to live by.
Press on.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Sunday School Fellowship

Hey Team:
Please make plans to attend our summer fellowship at the home of Tory and Lisa Pinson on Friday, July 18 at 6:00 p.m.
We'll discuss the details this Sunday, but I wanted to give you as much notice as possible so you can get it on your calendar.
Press on.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hey Team:
One of my "new" favorite verses is Proverbs 3:3 which says, "Do not let kindness and truth leave you.  Bind them around your neck.  Write them on the tablets of your heart."
Simple.  Plain.  Anybody can do it.
What difference would it make in our lives and the lives of those around us if we everything we said and did was wrapped in kindness and truth?
The Wombles are here from Niger and Brad will be preaching in our morning worship service this Sunday.  He is a great speaker and always has a lot of neat things to share about their experiences.  Some of you may remember that Tim Miller, Robert Tubbs, Max Sturdivant and I had the privilege of going to Niger in 2006.  Maybe its about time to be thinking about another trip?
See you soon.
Press on.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Prayer Requests for July 6, 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Tim Blakeman's mom recovering from colon surgery
  • Tim French family
  • Katie Meador having scope on Wednesday
  • Benji Miller-friend of Sigler's-battling cancer
  • The school system during search for superintendent
  • Pastor search committee


  • The Baptism of Austin Blakeman
  • The Baptism of Katelyn Jones
  • Youth trip to Florida



Friday, July 4, 2008

Prayer Request

Tim Blakeman has requested prayer for his mother, Bertha Blakeman, who became ill today and had to be taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Lexington.  Ms. Blakeman has been battling a number of health issues for some time.  Please remember this family in your prayers.
Press on.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fw: Noah's Ark

Andy asked me to forward this to you (see below).

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Andy Buckingham <andyfbchop@bellsouth.net>
To: Andrew Self <andrewcself@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 2:26:14 PM
Subject: FW: Noah's Ark



I mentioned this in class Sunday and said I would pass it along to them through you.  Can you please forward this to your class?





From: Sandra Gott [mailto:sangott@insightbb.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 10:05 PM
To: Emory; Andy; Carolyn G; Angela; Bettye
Subject: Fw: Noah's Ark







Working Replica of Noah's Ark Opens In SCHAGEN, Netherlands   



The massive central door in the side of Noah's Ark was thrown open Saturday for the first crowd of curious Pilgrims and townsfolk to behold the wonder.


 Of course, it's only a replica of the biblical ark, built by Dutch Creationist Johan Huibers as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible.


The ark is 150 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 20 cubits wide. That's two-thirds the length of a football field and as high as a three-story house.

Life-size models of giraffes, elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, bison and other animals greet visitors as they arrive in the main hold.

A contractor by trade, Huibers built the ark of cedar and pine.  Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been.

Huibers did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in May 2005.

On the uncovered top deck - not quite ready in time for the opening - will come a petting zoo, with baby lambs and chickens, and goats, and one camel.

Visitors on the first day were stunned.

'It's past comprehension, ' said Mary Louise Starosciak, who happened to be bicycling by with her husband while on vacation when they saw the ark looming over the local landscape.

'I knew the story of Noah, but I had no idea the boat would have been so big.'

There is enough space near the keel for a 50-seat film theater where kids can watch a video that tells the story of Noah and his ark.


Huibers said he hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands, where church-going has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years.


''If You Need Help, Ask God. If You Don't, Thank God''...

'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.' Psalm 23:6