Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nursery Workers Needed for November

 Here are the spots we still need to fill for the nursery this month.  If you have not yet signed up, please let us know when and where you can help.
Thanks (and thanks, Jen, for keeping up with this for us).
We still need:       
1 worker this Sunday, Nov. 16 in the 3 yr old room to help out Dr. Matt Robinson 
1 Sunday, Nov. 23 for the 2 yr old room
3 Sunday, Nov. 30 for the 2 yr old room and the 3 yr old room
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Re: S.S.

We still need:       
1 worker this Sunday, Nov. 16 in the 3 yr old room to help out Dr. Matt Robinson 
1 Sunday, Nov. 23 for the 2 yr old room
3 Sunday, Nov. 30 for the 2 yr old room and the 3 yr old room
-------Original Message-------
Date: 11/12/08 16:58:52
To:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  donna mcintyre;;;;;;  Sherry Kaye Newton;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Anthony J Webster;;;
Subject: S.S.
Hey Team,
Song of Solomon
We will finish up our Song of Solomon study with Romance Part II this Sunday and Commitment next Sunday.  I hope and pray this has been a practical help to you and your spouse.  Obviously, it addresses some issues about which we are sometimes uncomfortable or uncertain.  My prayer is that we would learn and know what each of us can and should do to help make our marriages the best they can be.
We still need a few more nursery workers for this month.  Thanks to all of you who have already signed up or already worked.  ALSO, as you may recall, the young adult S.S. class from Hillcrest worked the nursery on November 2 so that all of our folks could be in the worship service to hear Bro. Rick.  We are going to return the favor by keeping their children for a couple of hours on Saturday, November 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  If any of you would be willing to help Eva and me, we would greatly appreciate it.  Please let us know.
Thanksgiving Feast
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be on Sunday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the CLC.  This is always a great time of fellowship and in many ways kicks off the holiday season for me.
Sunday School Fellowship
Eva and I would like to invite you to our annual S.S. Christmas fellowship at our house on Saturday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m.  As always, come when you can and don't feel bad about leaving early. It's always a lot of fun, and great food.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

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Hey Team,
Song of Solomon
We will finish up our Song of Solomon study with Romance Part II this Sunday and Commitment next Sunday.  I hope and pray this has been a practical help to you and your spouse.  Obviously, it addresses some issues about which we are sometimes uncomfortable or uncertain.  My prayer is that we would learn and know what each of us can and should do to help make our marriages the best they can be.
We still need a few more nursery workers for this month.  Thanks to all of you who have already signed up or already worked.  ALSO, as you may recall, the young adult S.S. class from Hillcrest worked the nursery on November 2 so that all of our folks could be in the worship service to hear Bro. Rick.  We are going to return the favor by keeping their children for a couple of hours on Saturday, November 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall.  If any of you would be willing to help Eva and me, we would greatly appreciate it.  Please let us know.
Thanksgiving Feast
Our annual Thanksgiving Feast will be on Sunday, November 23 at 5:00 p.m. at the CLC.  This is always a great time of fellowship and in many ways kicks off the holiday season for me.
Sunday School Fellowship
Eva and I would like to invite you to our annual S.S. Christmas fellowship at our house on Saturday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m.  As always, come when you can and don't feel bad about leaving early. It's always a lot of fun, and great food.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Prayer Requests for November 9, 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Jim Pelham-at St Thomas recovering from a blood clot after having a heart attack
  • Jo Pelham-not only dealing with Jim's situation, but she has a broken foot
  • Friend of Ray & Nancy who's recovering from surgery
  • Roy & Tammy-while they are traveling
  • Marlene's daughter and son in law as they go through the adoption process
  • Dr. Stevens and his family as they prepare to leave their current church and transition to our church.


  • The event at the YMCA on Thursday night
  • Dr Stevens accepting the call to be our pastor
  • All of the guests that have been attending in our Sunday School class

Hope to see you at Sunday School

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey Team,
Thanks for helping to make this past Sunday a very memorable one.  Let's continue to pray for our new pastor, Bro. Rick Stevens, and his family, as they prepare to lead us and minister to and with us beginning in January.  Also, we had 393 in Sunday School this past Sunday.  Thanks, Max, for your leadership, and thanks to all of you who were there.
I thought our session on "Conflict" this past Sunday was so important, and the material was so good, I wanted to share the following with you one more time.  Remember, wisdom is the correct application of knowledge.  I pray that we would be wise in our marriage relationships (i.e. if we know what to do and don't do it then what good does it do us to know it?).
"The 17 'Nevers' of Communicating with Your Spouse"
1.  Never raise your voice in your home.
2.  Never publicly embarrass your mate.
3.  Never quarrel before the children.
4.  Never use the kids to win an argument.
5.  Never talk about your spouse outside your marriage.
6.  Never use sex to win.
7.  Never touch in anger.
8.  Never call names.
9.  Never get historical and call into account a wrong suffered.
10. Never stomp out.
11. Never freeze your mate out.
12. Never use the in-laws.
13. Never reason in the face of pain.
14. Never let the sun go down on your wrath and give the devil an opportunity.
15. Never reverse an argument.
16. Never fail to listen to your mate.
17. Never harden yourself towards your spouse.
Thanks . . . and press on.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prayer Requests for November 2, 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Tim Blakeman- motorcycle trip on Monday & Tuesday
  • Sherry Newton's Dad- having MRI on Nov 3 for memory loss issues
  • Amy Stooksbury's Dad- not doing very well at all
  • Family of Mathew Leitchfield
  • National and local elections


Hope everyone exercises their right to vote on election day.