Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SelfStudy Blog Ending Soon - End of Web Ministry

Hello all!

Since September 2007, I have had the privilege to setup and run our Sunday School Blog:

I will be leaving soon, and be with Penny at Elizabethtown. It appears we will be shutting down the SelfStudy Blog.

I hope you have enjoyed this web ministry, and perhaps someone in the future will take this on again and make it bigger and better~!

God Bless!
Randy Sigler

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update re: Jason and Heidi Arnold

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Heidi Arnold <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 8:09:27 PM
Subject: Re:

Heidi and I are doing well. I am back teaching in the classroom, which I enjoy. I am getting used to walking a little slower. Climbing hills and stairs is still difficult but manageable. My phantom pain has completely subsided, though I do get a few uncomfortable sensations every day or two.

We are still thankful that Jason's injuries weren't any more severe- he survived this for a reason. We are also thankful that the insurance company did pay for the computerized knee (C-leg).

Thank you and the Sunday school class for the prayers. We are so blessed to have a caring church family.

Feel free to share parts of this email that you think are appropriate to be passed along.
Jason and Heidi

Fw: Tommy Kenady's dad

Please pray for Tommy's father and family.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "" <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 2:10:34 PM
Subject: Tommy Kenady's dad

Tommy's dad had a stroke this morning. They are taking him to Nashville.
They said it is the worse kind of stroke you can have. It is like an
aneurysm. Please pray for Larry and all the family.


Monday, February 1, 2010


Hey Team,
Hope all of you are safe and well.
Good news for those of you who really wanted Eva to teach our S.S. class last Sunday (O.K., all of you). She's going to teach this Sunday. For those of you who read your quarterly, she will be teaching the January 31 lesson. We may skip another one later, but this one on Daniel 2 is important.
Thanks, Eva, and thanks to all of you.
Press on.