Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey Team,
In his mega-selling, life-defining book, Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren says that ministry is our service to believers and missions is our service to unbelievers.  He further maintains, and provides Biblical support for the proposition, that all of us as Christians should be involved in both ministry and missions.  Are we?  We're going to talk about that some this Sunday. 
Tonight at prayer meeting we are going to hear a report about a missions effort in the shadows of our church.  Heath and Paige Wilson, who work with the youth at New Work, are going to be with us to share about their recent experiences when their youth spent the night and did other things at Challenge House I and Challenge House II (on Bryan St. just a short walk from our church).  Hope you can come and hear them.  Perhaps it will give us some ideas about what we can do.
Press on.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have another praise to add. Randy & Penny Sigler celebrated their 10th Wedding Anniversary on August 1st.
Hope to see everyone at Sunday School.  

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayer Requests for August 24th 2008

Prayer Requests
  • Marlene's daughter-upcoming results of in vitro process
  • Evan Campbell & Clay Evans-involved in very bad auto accident
  • Wendy Duvall,principal at HMS, diagnosed with leukemia
  • Macy Young-recovering from brain surgery after being diagnosed with Moyamoya disease
  • Friend of David Stooksbury diagnosed with testicular cancer
  • Jerry Downey, friend of the Newton's, kidneys have failed on dialysis
  • Connor Gates-recovering from surgery do to an insect bite
  • Heath & Paige Wilson-coming to speak about Challenge House and the opportunities there
  • Amanda Tubbs-starting school in Lexington
  • Robert Tubbs-should know something soon regarding youth minister position


  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-celebrating 29th Wedding Anniversary this week
  • All of our Sunday School teachers that are willing to give their time to teach us each week

Remember to teach someone about Jesus, not just tell them about Jesus!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hey Team,
Here are a few thoughts for this week:
Congratulations Mike and Joelette  -- As far as we know, having received no reports to the contrary, the Woolfolks successfully made it to and through Tuesday, marking the 30th anniversary of their wedding.  I believe they have been doing this marrage thing longer than anybody else in our class.  Congratulations!
Song of Solomon Study  -- Our 11-week Song of Solomon study on "love, sex, romance and marriage" will begin on Sunday, September 7.  Please plan to attend and don't hesitate to invite others.  I believe this will be a meaningful experience for our class and more importantly, for our families.
Prospects/Visitors  --  Let's be sure to think about prospects for our class and our church.  This could include those who are not Christians, as well as those who are do not have a church home.  Let's also try to be especially sensitive to those who are attending who may not know a lot of people (or anybody).  We should be intentional about greeting them and doing everything we can to make them feel welcome, loved and accepted.
See you soon.
Press on.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Requests for 8-17-08

Prayer Requests
  • Roy White having surgery on 9-9-08 in Madisonville
  • Bettye Ferrell having knee replacement surgery 9-16-08 at Centennial
  • Tammy Buckingham's mom-possible heart attack
  • Wanda Belcher family in the death of her father Jack Yandell
  • Teacher for Mission Friends
  • Leader for Children's Church
  • Sam Brown's friend-4 year old daughter diagnosed with cancer
  • Robert Tubbs in his ministry decision
  • Remember the pastor search committee
  • Our church in the upcoming decisions and for our leadership
  • Matthew Gresham as he prepares to enter the US Navy
  • Caleb Gresham-possible heat stroke
  • Ray & Nancy's nephew recovering from drug addiction
  • College students returning back to school
  • School system with all of the leadership changes
  • Remember to pray for our new pastor


  • Sherry Gresham's dad has gone 1 year alcohol free
  • Mike & Jolette Woolfolk will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on Tuesday 8-19-08


Talk to someone about Jesus this week. 


Prayer Requests for August 10, 2008

I know these are late, but since it's never too late for prayer here they are.
Prayer Requests
  • Laura Deel-husband in hospital with headaches
  • Wayne Gordon in hospital with kidney Problems
  • Ray's nephew in Owensboro looking for a new start
  • Larry King-admitted no faith in Jesus during Steven Curtis Chapman interview
  • Tammy White's dad-lost sight in right eye
  • Pastor search committee
  • Andy, Tammy, & Family in their transition
  • Bennet Peck-suffering from migrane headaches
  • Family of Joe Dunn in has passing away


  • Shawna's nephew got married
  • Jack & Bettye Ferrell-24th wedding anniversary
  • Robert Tubbs-passed test at Moorehead State and had a chance to witness during test

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


 Hey Team,
Sunday School  --  Has anybody thought anymore about what we discussed this past Sunday?  As we discussed, if we are going to live our lives in a way that is different from the rest of the world and in a way that is pleasing to God, we need to specifically identify those things that take away from or distract from our relationship with the Lord  (e.g. pride, greed, lust, anger, unforgiveness, apathy, etc.).  Then, as I Cor. 10:31-34 reminds us, we need to understand that we need to deal with these issues on a "daily" or regular basis;  that who we associate with matters; and that how we think matters.  If we only study the Word but don't apply it to our lives, it is like pouring a glass of water but never drinking from it -- it serves no purpose and has no benefit. 
Wombles - August 17 Luncheon  --  Don't forget that we will have a spaghetti luncheon after church this Sunday with the proceeds (donation only) to go to medical and other missions efforts in which the Wombles are involved in Niger.  Also, there will be an opportunity to provide a Wal-Mart gift card for the Womble girls, Emily and Ruth, to help with their expenses in going back to college.  This is part of WMU's "Christmas in August" program.
Nursery Workers' Training -- August 24 Luncheon  --  Remember also that there will be a luncheon for nursery volunteers on August 24.  We will try to get a "head count" this Sunday for those of you who plan to attend.  Thanks again for all of you who are helping in the nursery this month and at other times.
Please continue to pray for our church, our staff, and our pastor search committee.
Press on.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fw: Marlene Blakeman

Update on Marlene Blakeman's foot surgery this morning.  It sounds good.
Press on.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Angela Bracey <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:43:54 AM
Subject: Marlene Blakeman


Tim Blakeman just called and asked that an email be sent out to your class that Marlene came through her surgery GREAT and should get to come home today.


Angela Bracey

First Baptist Church Communications

1400 South Main Street | Hopkinsville | KY | 42240






Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Hey Team,
For almost everybody, today is the first day of a new school year.  Let's remember to pray for our children, all students, teachers, administrators, central office staff, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, and everybody who is involved, in any way, in our schools. 
Press on.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Prayer Requests for August 3rd

  • Mike Beck-recent job decision
  • Paula Moss, friend of Decourseys, death of her husband
  • Robert Tubbs- youth minister situation
  • Marlene Blakeman-surgery on her foot on Wednesday
  • Kahle's nephew-having problems and needs guidance
  • Tara King-having seizures due to cancerous tumor, at Duke hospital 


  • Sam Brown-back safely from motorcycle trip
  • Kim & Keith Batts-celebrating 17th wedding anniversary
  • Tim Workman's birthday
  • Jack & Bettye Ferrell will be celebrating their anniversary on the 9th