Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prayer Request

From: Andrew Self
Date: Sep 28, 2007 9:01 PM
Subject: Prayer Request

Please pray for Tim East's family.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tim East


I hope all is well with you and your family. I want to thank you and First Baptist Church for praying for my grandmother and our family. You are appreciated.
Regrettably she passed away late last night or early this morning.
Visitation will be Sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 8:00 pm at Hughart and Beard Funeral Home in Hopkinsville. The funeral will be at 10:00 am on Monday morning at Hughart and Beard also.

Thanks again for all your support.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"WHALE OF A SALE garage sale!"

Habitat for Humanity and St. Luke Free Clinic has joined in partnership this year in the:

"WHALE OF A SALE garage sale!"

The sale will be October 6, 12 & 13 from 6 am to 2 pm at the Farmer's Loose Floor warehouse on 11th and Campbell Streets.

This year they are also going to have a SILENT AUCTION of baskets, all kinds of baskets with different and wonderful items in each one. The baskets will be on display at the sale for people to come by and bid on the ones they like. The bidding ends at 2:00 pm on the 13th and the baskets goes to the highest bidder. There will also be several other items for bid as well.

Come out and support them!! Tell someone else!!

If you need a flyer to put up let me know. If you or someone else would like to donate a basket for the auction please let Jessie Quarles know. If you have any questions please call or e-mail her at Habitat. Merchandise is needed for the sale and can be delivered to Habitat for Humanity office or St. Luke’s during the week or to Farmer’s Loose Floor Warehouse on Saturdays prior to the auction

Help with Mission Friends 4 and 5 year olds!

From: Ben & Carolyn Self


Hey guys- 

I was looking to see if anyone would be willing to help teach the 4/5 year old Mission Friends.  They are in desperate need of help!  Vickie Sisk is their teacher and she needs someone to teach with her.  There is currently nobody else with her.  They have 10 regular kids with potential every Wed. for 13 kids.  It is only from 6-7 every wed. night and they follow the school schedule.  I have stepped in to help temporarily, but they really need a full replacement.  Please let me know if you are willing!  Thanks  

By the way if you have one under 2 there is child care available.  Mallory goes in there with Stephanie and she is wonderful!  

LeeAnn Love


Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hey Team!
As I have been thinking about the generosity of the "anonymous donor" who graciously provided our S.S. class with comfortable new chairs and a new lectern, it has brought a lot of things to my mind.
Could it be said that out of the overflow of the heart, the checkbook speaks?  Of course that is not in Scripture, but what is in Scripture is that "faith without works is dead" (James 4:17) and that when you give your alms (financial gifts), "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing" so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you (Matthew 6:3-4).  There are many more passages that pertain to this act of faith, giving, and generosity, but you get the picture.
But the picture is even bigger!  Did you also know that another anonymous donor from our class gave the furniture for our new prayer room (see Scripture references above)?  Did you know that a great many of our class are serving faithfully and regularly in our children's ministry, youth ministry, tutoring ministry, leading/teaching classes, and in many, many other ways?   
None of us is perfect and none of us has arrived, but it has been encouraging to me to think about all the different and many ways that you give, serve and try to live lives of obedience.  What's even more encouraging is that I am confident that I don't know even half of what so many of you are doing as mothers, fathers, friends, neighbors and in all of your other relationships.  The good news is that you are not doing what you are doing for the applause of men, but out of a spirit of faithfulness.  And at the end of the day, according to Scripture, your Father who sees in secret will reward you!
So . . . press on! 

Monday, September 24, 2007

Prayer Requests - Mike Stewart

Barry Smith-friend of Pecks- Rare Illness surgery needed
Beth Henderson-friend of Decourseys- Cancer
Keith Batt's Grandmother fell and broke her hip
Todd Utley-employee of Kahle's-recovering from accident
Scott-Karen Morris' brother in law-Mother
Tim Blakeman's mom recovering from hip replacement
Tim Blakeman business decision
Meeks Family- Perry's deployment

Lisa Pinson's dad back at church
Beth Peck's aunt(who is wild like Beth) is excited about going on cruise.
Penny Sigler feeling better and back at church
GREAT revival.
New chairs & podium. Don't know who donor is but really want to say thank you.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hey Team:

My sense is that many have experienced God's presence during our revival services led by Life Action Ministries. Tonight (Wednesday) is our final service. I hope you will be able to attend.

Please remember the Meeks family as Perry prepares to go back to Iraq this Saturday. In addition to praying for Perry's safety, I know you will also want to rally around Roscella and their children during this time, just as you have done in the past.

We will resume our study this Sunday on "What Every Christian Ought to Know." We also will have the opportunity to serve by signing up to work in the nursery during the month of October. Hope you will be there.

Press on...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

We are having a great Revival at First Baptist Hopkinsville this week. This is a ministry team from Life Action Ministries :
( )
September 16 - September 19, 2007

Here is a good video on the Ministry Team:

First Baptist Church
1400 S. Main Street
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Rev. Rodney Travis

Love to see you... ..and please forward this to a friend!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

GodSpeaks - Sept. 11, 2001 Memorial

Please take timeout to remember and pray for our country..
..and our brave service men

Click below for a wonderful 9/11 Memorial video from GodSpeaks:

Focus on the Family Broadcast - Eva's Testimony

Hey Friends!

I don't normally send out an email like this, but I don't want to leave anyone out. I received a letter from Focus on the Family this week saying that they were going to air my testimony again on Thursday, September 20. You will have to check for local listings and times in your area.
Their website is

This is the 3rd time they have aired my story. In times past, I have received calls from literally all over the country. The last time I actually heard from one of the nurses who had taken care of me in the rehab hospital. I realize that all of you all know my story so well you could even tell it, but I would appreciate your prayers that day and I hope that you would use it to encourage someone in your life who may need it right now. It is my prayer that He be lifted up even after almost 30 years from a defining moment in my life!

To our Lord and Savior be ALL THE GLORY!


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Prayer Requests - Mike Stewart

  • Dixie Prim - Breast Cancer - Kahle's aunt

  • Karen's sister's mother-in-law - tumor

  • Robert Jones Family

  • Family of Paul Kenner

  • Family of Reuben Moores

  • Christian County Health Department - Carolyn Self

Beth's Aunt Linda (disabled) going on cruise with friend

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hey Team!

We are getting ready to start a new unit by Adrian Rogers entitled "What Every Christian Ought to Know." Whether it is reading, sports, Christianity or anything else, the fundamentals are. . . well . . . fundamental. As Ravi Zacharias says with regard to Christianity, "That which is fundamental is essential, and that which is essential is fundamental." I know, you really have to think about the stuff he says, but it does make a lot of sense (once you put on your thinking cap).

Remember, our class is going to provide a meal for our revival team
on September 17. As we discussed previously, we are simply going to collect money and Kim Batts and Lisa McIntosh have graciously agreed to get the food. We believe $100 should cover it. We will take up our "first of the month" offering this Sunday and hope to reach that goal. If you want to write a check, please make it payable to "Kim Batts." If 10 people write checks for $10 . . ..

Our Blogmaster (is that a word?), Randy Sigler, and I are soliciting feedback for our S.S. blog :

Do you like it? Is is something that you would regularly access? Any tweaks that you would suggest? Do you need help on how to use it? (get a discussion going by using comments, etc). If we have enough interest, we will continue with it and try to make it something that would be helpful. Please let us know.

Hope to see you Sunday!

Press on.... Andrew