Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Focus on the Family Broadcast - Eva's Testimony

Hey Friends!

I don't normally send out an email like this, but I don't want to leave anyone out. I received a letter from Focus on the Family this week saying that they were going to air my testimony again on Thursday, September 20. You will have to check for local listings and times in your area.
Their website is

This is the 3rd time they have aired my story. In times past, I have received calls from literally all over the country. The last time I actually heard from one of the nurses who had taken care of me in the rehab hospital. I realize that all of you all know my story so well you could even tell it, but I would appreciate your prayers that day and I hope that you would use it to encourage someone in your life who may need it right now. It is my prayer that He be lifted up even after almost 30 years from a defining moment in my life!

To our Lord and Savior be ALL THE GLORY!


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