Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 28, 2008
  • Jonathan White-adjusting to living away from parents and finding a church
  • Public School System- overall morale
  • Pastor Search Committee-as they continue their process
  • Prospective pastor-as he prepares to come for a trial sermon
  • Our Presidential election-pray that everyone will seek God's guidance
  • Our national economy-pray that our leaders will do what's best for everyone


  • Good to see Roy White back at church after surgery
  • The great weather for the church picnic
  • All of the leaders, teachers, and volunteers at our church

Remember to be there early this Sunday.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Fw: Julia

Prayer request from Sam Brown.  Thanks, Sam, for caring about this family and for your ongoing concern.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Sam Brown <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 9:33:27 AM
Subject: FW: Julia

Hey Andrew,


A few weeks back I asked the class for prayers for the four year old daughter of a guy we do some work with at JSMC.  Below is an email from him to me yesterday with an update on her.  I know no one knows this family but me, but I ask for continued prayers for this precious four year old girl.


Thanks,  Sam


Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

From: Tim Stampp []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 9:27 PM
To: Sam Brown
Subject: RE: Julia


Hi Sam,


Words can't describe how much a note like this means to us.  Results of her last scans (PET, CT and Ultrasound) showed that the chemotherapy is working on the lesions.  We also avoided having to give her a blood transfusion last week when her blood counts miraculously rebounded, baffling the doctors who could not figure out how her blood counts went back up literally over night.   The doctors believe she will need to be on chemo for at least one year.   She still has lesions in her lungs, bones and pituitary gland but again, the chemo appears to be affecting them and we are hoping that they will be completely gone after a few more months.   The challenge is that there are no blood tests that are able to detect "active disease" and that absence of lesions that can be seen on PET, CT, etc does not mean she has been cured.  They are worried that if they stop chemo after the lesions are gone (which we pray will happen) she will get new lesions that can go anywhere and we absolutely have to stop this from happening because they could show up in some bad spots (liver, kidney, brain).  So, they think if they continue chemo for at least a year there is a greater chance that no new lesions will form.  We are just taking it one day at a time. 


Her spirits are great despite all the hospital visits, scans, pricking and poking, and having her hair starting to fall out.  She is so amazing.  Thanks so much for the prayers, please keep them coming!  Talk with you soon.  Tim 


Tim Stampp

Medical Imaging Specialists

office: (800) 510-0680 | mobile: (504) 296-7220 |


From: Sam Brown []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:29 PM
To: Tim Stampp
Subject: Julia




I hope you and your family are doing well.  How is Julia doing?  We include her in Alex's prayers every night – we never miss a night – asking God to please make her better.  All he knows is that she is a little girl that is sick so I hope he can meet her in very good health someday.


Talk to you soon.




Samuel L. Brown

Vice President - Financial Services

Jennie Stuart Medical Center

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hey Team,
How about a Sunday School Field Trip/Date Night with your spouse?  We are trying to determine the interest in going to see the movie, "Fireproof," on Friday, October 3 at Exit 1 (not sure what the movie theater is called -- never been there) in Clarksville.  Below is the link to the website about the movie and includes a trailer that may be of interest.  This is a great movie (Eva and I have seen it) about marriage and faith.  Anybody interested?
I know no time we pick will be good for everybody.  I also realize that some may want to go out to eat before or after.  To keep things as simple as possible for everybody, let's just try to make plans for the movie and then if anybody wants to do anything else that would be up to them.  The cost of the tickets is $8.25 per adult.
If you are interested, either respond to this email, or we will try to get a head count on Sunday.
We will continue our Song of Solomon study this Sunday.  Hope to see you then.
Press on.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 21, 2008
  • Doug Wallace's son has a cancerous spot on his liver
  • Alita Johnson's brother in law has leukemia
  • Continue to pray for pastor search committee
  • The families affected by hurricane Ike
  • Harold Wood- in Austin, TX helping with hurricane relief
  • Tom Westerfield-relief work in Georgia (near Russia)


  • All of the children in our church


Let's all get involved and help make Trunk or Treat a huge success. As Max said, we need to reach out to the unchurched in our community and this is a great way to do that.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Tubbs are moving

Hey Team,
Robert and Kathy Tubbs are moving this Saturday and could use some help.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to help because I will be with our pastor search committee in Georgia this weekend.  However, if you can help, please plan to meet at the Tubbs' current home (5925 Lafayette Rd.) at 8:00 a.m. this Saturday.  These occasions are always a great time of fellowship for all involved. 
Max is going to share a brief announcement in S.S. this Sunday about an upcoming event.  I hope you will plan to be there as we continue our study of Song of Solomon.
Press on.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Robert Tubbs <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 10:49:07 AM
Subject: moving

Andrew, I hope you are having a good week. Just to let you know, we are
going to move to Major Lane this Saturday the 20th. I have some help but a
few more guys would be great. I know this is short notice so if everyone is
tied up, that's ok.
Also, when the new pastor comes I would love to meet him.

Thanks for all you do!


24 Hours of Prayer from Denise Kellow

The Prayer Ministry would like to ask the church family to join us in a 24 Hour Prayer beginning Friday, September 19th, 2008 for our Pastor Search Team as they continue to search for our new pastor.

If you are willing to participate, please contact Denise Kellow, 886-1056 or email her at or Charlene Arvin, 886-9671.

Supporting Cystic Fibrosis, from Kevin Meacham

Dear Friends and Family,

This year I (Kevin) have decided to challenge myself by running the Chicago Marathon (26.2 miles). I am doing this in memory of our son Turner, and to honor Gracey.

I am running on behalf of team CF (Cystic Fibrosis). As part of my Team CF challenge, I must raise $1750 to be given directly to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

I ask for your support in two ways.

  • Please support us in prayer, pray for Gracey and her fight with CF, pray for a cure for CF, and pray for my strength and endurance as I train and when I run the race on Sunday October 12, 2008.
  • You can also support us by making a donation through the following options:
    1) fill out the attached pledge form and send in your check or credit card payment to the address given on form;
    2) donate over the phone using a Visa, MC, or AMEX, by calling 1-800-824-5064; or,
    3) donate online at

    I have attached a CF letter, pledge form, and pictures. Thanks so much for your support.

    Kevin, Jennifer, and Gracey

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for September 14, 2008
  • Tim & Marlene-traveling this week
  • Roy White-recovering from surgery
  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-transition to Henderson Memorial Baptist
  • Christian County School System
  • Wendy Duvall-battling Leukemia
  • Pastor Search Committee as they travel to Valdosta, GA
  • People affected by recent hurricanes


  • All of the recent baptisms
  • All of the visitors that we have

Let's all invite someone to church


Prayer Requests

Praer Requests

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for Sept 7, 2008
  • Roy White having surgery on Tuesday
  • People involved in motorcycle accident Saturday
  • Larry Cavanah-mother has bleeding on the brain awaiting surgery
  • Mike & Jolette's daughter, Abby, having marital problems
  • Todd Morse-in the death of his 27 y/o cousin
  • Dana Hughes- in St Thomas with heart issues
  • Jen Gary's grandmother having surgery on Wednesday


  • Roy Whites family didn't sustain any major damage from the hurricane

Hope to see everyone at Sunday School




Hey Team,
I thought our Song of Solomon study got off to a good start last Sunday.  Thanks for coming and thanks for being there "early" so we could have plenty of time for discussion.  I hope we are all still thinking about our "challenge" from last week which is "to identify one thing in your life that you can do to improve your marriage."
This week we will take up the concept of "The Art of Dating."  I realize that many of us have not thought much about dating in quite some time (that may or may not be a good thing).  Remember, we are studying the book of the Song of Solomon so we are going to cover what's in the book.  I believe there are a number of important, practical applications from this session for all of us, whether married or single.  I hope you will be there.
Finally, Sherry Newton reports (from Tammy) that Roy White's surgery went well yesterday and that, as planned, he should get to go home today.  Although still in quite a bit of pain, it sounds like he is going to be fine.  Tammy and Roy appreciate the prayers and concern on their behalf.
Press on.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Hey Team,
This is a reminder that we will begin our 11-week study on Song of Solomon this Sunday.  Mike will start with the announcements and prayer requests at 9:25 a.m. and we plan to start the DVD promptly at 9:30 a.m.
Please try to be on time so that you can see the entired DVD and so that you won't distract others by arriving after the DVD starts.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Press on.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests for August 31, 2008
  • Wendy Duvall-Principal at HMS diagnosed with Leukemia
  • The family that lost their home in Eagles Cove in fire
  • Rachel Goodley-spiritually lost
  • Tom Westerfield-going to the country of Georgia for crisis relief
  • The Wombles as they travel back to Niger
  • Roy White's family-they live in Louisiana near hurricane path
  • Jonathan White-leaves for school in Chicago on the 19th
  • Robert & Kathy Tubbs-Henderson Memorial position
  • School system during all of the transition
  • Youth group-traveling back from rafting trip


  • Rachel Decoursey-turned 14 on 8-31-08
  • Jack Ferrell-turned 47 on 8-31-08
  • All of the blessings that we have received and continue to receive daily

Remember that we are starting EARLY (9:25) on the 7th.