Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hey Team,
How about a Sunday School Field Trip/Date Night with your spouse?  We are trying to determine the interest in going to see the movie, "Fireproof," on Friday, October 3 at Exit 1 (not sure what the movie theater is called -- never been there) in Clarksville.  Below is the link to the website about the movie and includes a trailer that may be of interest.  This is a great movie (Eva and I have seen it) about marriage and faith.  Anybody interested?
I know no time we pick will be good for everybody.  I also realize that some may want to go out to eat before or after.  To keep things as simple as possible for everybody, let's just try to make plans for the movie and then if anybody wants to do anything else that would be up to them.  The cost of the tickets is $8.25 per adult.
If you are interested, either respond to this email, or we will try to get a head count on Sunday.
We will continue our Song of Solomon study this Sunday.  Hope to see you then.
Press on.

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