Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey Team,
In his mega-selling, life-defining book, Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren says that ministry is our service to believers and missions is our service to unbelievers.  He further maintains, and provides Biblical support for the proposition, that all of us as Christians should be involved in both ministry and missions.  Are we?  We're going to talk about that some this Sunday. 
Tonight at prayer meeting we are going to hear a report about a missions effort in the shadows of our church.  Heath and Paige Wilson, who work with the youth at New Work, are going to be with us to share about their recent experiences when their youth spent the night and did other things at Challenge House I and Challenge House II (on Bryan St. just a short walk from our church).  Hope you can come and hear them.  Perhaps it will give us some ideas about what we can do.
Press on.

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