Wednesday, May 21, 2008

SelfStudy Sunday School

Hey Team:

PAPA prayer
We will finish our study of the PAPA prayer this Sunday. During the next quarter we will have studies by Dr. Tony Evans and his daughter, Priscilla Shirer. Both should be excellent.

Women's Summer Bible Study
The results of my on-line, unscientific survey reveal a significant preference for the women's summer Bible study to be held on a weekday morning. The good news is that the Wednesday evening women's study will continue through the summer, so hopefully there will continue to be something for everybody. Eva is going to lead the Bible study during the month of July on the book of Jonah. Specific dates and times to be announced.

Summer Children's Workers
Jennifer Belcher and Emily Riley have been hired on a part-time basis to work with our children's ministry this summer. It sounds like they have some great ideas.

The Wombles
Many of you know Brad and Sally (Boyd) Womble who are Southern Baptist missionaries in Niamey, Niger. They will be stateside for part of the summer and will once again be staying in the Wells Missionary Residence (red house next to the CLC). Please be in prayer for them as they come to be with us. Their second oldest daughter, Ruth, will be staying in KY to attend college at Campbellsville where their oldest, Emily, is already a student.

If you're going to be out of pocket this weekend, be careful. If not, hope to see you Sunday.

Press on.

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