Thursday, December 4, 2008

Prayer Request -- Liebe/Taylor Families

Hey Team,
I'm sure that many of you have already learned of the very tragic death of Josh Liebe last night.  Josh is Cheri Taylor's brother and the son of Rich and Cathy Liebe.  Please remember these families in your prayers, that our God, the God of peace and hope, will comfort them and make His presence known to them at this most difficult time.  Although funeral arrangements are not yet complete, it is my understanding that the family is asking that, in lieu of flowers, etc, that any contributions be made to a trust fund at BB&T for Josh's two young children, Madison and Jamison.
Although Josh encountered a number of personal challenges in his relatively young life, in recent months he and his wife had become actively involved in a church and in a weekly Bible study.  A dear friend of mine who has been ministering to Josh and his family had told me in recent weeks about how much Josh and his wife were growing in their faith.
There are many things in this life that we will not understand, but one thing we know is this, that Jesus "is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no man comes to the Father" but by Him.  While there is much pain and confusion caused by his untimely death, I am convinced that Josh knows the Way.  And all who know the Way will have Life everlasting.  
Press on.

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