Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fw: Disaster Relief Survey

Hey Team,
Attached is a Disaster Relief Survey to be completed by our church family. Please see the instructions in the email below from Barbara Sledd.
Hope to see you Sunday, if not sooner.
Press on.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Barbara Sledd <>
To: Andrew Self <>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 12:30:03 PM
Subject: Disaster Relief Survey


We think it would be great if your class is sent the survey on line. I have attached a copy for you. Please ask them to make a hard copy and bring in this Sunday.

If you could appoint one or two from your class to be responsible for turning them in, that would be great. Also, we need those volunteers to make sure each person in the class fills one out. That would be a great outreach to your class members if they have not been attending.

Each person…husband and wife needs to fill one out.

The first page is for family preparedness.

The second page will be giving us basic information for the data base.

The third page will be for those would be willing to volunteer during a disaster.

The fourth page has to do with equipment, buildings, vehicles, etc that could be used during a disaster.

Turn in the ones you have Sunday to the Welcome Center . Then take the next couple of weeks to pull in one for each class member. Please contact each member. If a member does not want to be in the data base, simply fill out the name on the survey and write across the top ….Not participating!

Thanks so much,


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