Monday, August 27, 2007

Great Verses to Study

Hey Team!

Below are the verses that we discussed yesterday in Sunday School. As we discussed, these are all great verses to study, to know, to memorize and to claim.

I John 1:9
Romans 12:2
Philippians 4:8
Philippians 3:12-14
Philippians 4:6-7

When we read, study and speak the Word of God, we cannot help but draw closer to Him.

Press on...


special prayer request

Please keep the McGregor family in your prayers, and a special prayer for their son Zack.

Zack now has infection through out his body, and has special needs. Roger & Brenda are wonderful Christian friends from Princeton.

Their email is:

Randy & Penny Sigler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roger, Brenda & Zack, you are in our prayers...

Randy & Penny Sigler