Sunday, August 5, 2007

Weely Self Study - August 5th

Hey Team!

What a blessing it was to witness the baptism of Paige Morris and Avery Daniel, as well as the public profession of faith in Christ by Sarah Watson last Sunday. We were also reminded Sunday evening of what an awesome opportunity and responsibility we have as a church family to raise, equip and disciple our children.

Thanks for your faithfulness in attending Sunday School. Certainly, we understand that things arise from time to time that prevent folks from attending, but it is great when everybody is there and we can enjoy each other's fellowship and learn from each other. Our attendance, participation and commitment has been great all summer -- thanks!

Let's continue to pray for our church as we try to discern how we can best "equip the saints" in our fellowship. I believe there will be some great opportunities in the near future to become better and more efficient in this most important area. Let's be ready . . . and let's be willing . . . because we know He is able.

Press on,

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