Monday, October 1, 2007

FW: Noah needs your help!

Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 12:36 PM
Subject: Noah needs your help!

As you know, Brian & I have accepted a referral to adopt a little boy in Guatemala. His name is Noah Jonathan. Although we only have a handful of pictures of him, he has already filled our hearts and we have been eagerly anticipating his homecoming. Current political events both in the US and in Guatemala, have jeopardized our ability to complete our adoption. Rules and guidelines for international adoption will be greatly affected by the upcoming implementation of the Hague both in the US and Guatemala. We do not oppose the Hague implementation. What we oppose is the proposed halting of all adoptions in process on January 1, 2008. This could mean that Noah’s adoption process could extend many extra months or years, or worse yet, never happen at all. There are currently 5000 children in Guatemala who are in the same condition as Noah. Although they have no families in Guatemala, all 5000 children have families, waiting to bring them home to the US. Sadly, if these children do not get adopted, there is no system of care for them in Guatemala. Orphanages in Guatemala are few and far between, and will in no way be able to care for 5000 children, mostly under one year of age.

There is an organization called the Joint Council on International Children’s Services that is organizing a campaign to bombard Congressional offices, the US State Department, and UNICEF with calls and emails on October 8, 9 and 10, 2007, requesting that they take action to insure that these 5000 children get to come home. Please click on the link below to find out how you can help and what you need to say when you make your call or email.

Please add these 4 things to your prayer list

  • 5000 Children in Guatemala,
  • their waiting US families,
  • the people in both Guatemalan and the US who are trying to make sure the children come home
  • and most importantly for the people who have the authority to do the right thing - to do it

I’m not a political activist. I’m just a new Mom that wants to bring home her son and I am asking all of my friends and family to help me.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would pass along this email to anyone you know that would be willing to help. Also if you know of people out of state who would help, that would mean more Congressmen are contacted about the plight of the Guatemala 5000.

Jane Boley

P.S. Here is a picture of Noah…He is only 6 weeks old now and doesn’t have a voice yet. Please use yours to speak on his behalf.

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