Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hey Team:

Minister of Evangelism -- Mike McKinney will be with us starting this Sunday as our part-time "Minister of Evangelism." Many of you know Mike and know that the Lord has gifted him with the ability to share the gospel with others. Please provide him with names of people you know who do not have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Please also look for Mike, welcome him, encourage him and pray for him as he uses his gifts for our Lord.

Fellowship -- Don't forget our Sunday School class fellowship this Friday at the CLC at 6:00 p.m. Please bring enough food and/or drinks for your family and maybe a little extra. This is also a great opportunity to bring friends and prospects. If anyone would like to invite Tim and Kim Downs, their phone number is 886-8481.

"A Heart Like His" -- We will begin a new unit this Sunday on the life of David, taken from a study by Beth Moore who has this to say about David, "He will delight us and he will disappoint us. He will make us want to be just like him at times and nothing like him at others." I hope you will come and join us for this study.

Press on . . . -- Special thanks to Leigh Ann Stewart for putting my favorite phrase on the wall of our Sunday School room. Leigh Ann has also suggested that we put "Phil. 3:12" up there too as a reminder of the passage from which this expression comes. I think that is a great idea and I hope you will join me in expressing our thanks to Leigh Ann.

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